The Benefits of Adding Resistance Training to Cardiovascular Rehab

Key words: cardiorespiratory fitness, coronary artery disease, systematic review This blog summarises a recent study published in BJSM (1). Why is this study important? Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death worldwide. While medical treatments like percutaneous coronary intervention have lowered the number of deaths in patients with CAD, these treatments do […]

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How does cardiorespiratory fitness predict death and chronic disease?

Key words: Cardiorespiratory fitness, health outcomes, adult, clinical In this blog we summarise a recent large meta analysis, published in BJSM that reviewed the evidence linking cardiorespiratory fitness to future health outcomes (1).    What is cardiorespiratory fitness? Cardiorespiratory fitness, often referred to as aerobic fitness or endurance, reflects the ability of the heart, lungs, and […]

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Cardiorespiratory fitness in youth and site-specific cancers later in life

In this blog post, we will provide an overview of a recently published study and explain how we leveraged unique data available from the Swedish military conscription register to deepen our understanding of the associations between cardiorespiratory fitness in youth and site-specific cancers in men (1).  Why is this study important? Cardiorespiratory fitness has well-established […]

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