Name of the app: VIVIFRAIL: Multi-Component Physical Training Program to prevent weakness and falls in People over 70 years Category of the mobile application: Health Platform: iOS (iPhone 4 & above), Android (versions 8.0 & above), Cost: Free About the App: In October 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) published Integrated Care for Older People: Guidelines on community-level […]
Category: General
Sex Differences In Concussion Outcomes in US Collegiate Sports: Genes Are Not Our Destiny
There is concern that females take longer to recover than their male counterparts after concussion.1 The evidence, however, is conflicting, with some finding no difference in recovery between the sexes.2 This likely reflects a complex interplay between intrinsic factors, such as biological sex, and extrinsic factors influencing concussion recovery. How did we do this study […]
COVID-19 in professional rugby: A reflection of prevalence in the community.
The three-line summary The number of new weekly COVID-19 cases in professional rugby appears to be related to community COVID-19 cases. When community prevalence is increased, more professional rugby players are likely to have COVID-19. Reducing the interactions that professional rugby players and their households have with the wider community may be required during periods […]
Soft tissue injuries simply need PEACE & LOVE – A Greek Translation
Rehabilitation of soft tissue injuries can be complex. Over the years, acronyms guiding their management have evolved from ICE to RICE[1], then to PRICE[2] and POLICE[3]. Although widely known, the evidence for these treatments is limited. ICE/RICE/PRICE focus on acute management and ignore sub-acute and chronic stages of tissue healing. We posit that two new acronyms can optimize recovery. Our […]
From laboratory to roadside: Real-time assessment and monitoring of the aerobic threshold in endurance-typed sports
Part of a wish list for an endurance athlete would include a simple way to determine their suitable low intensity training zone. Since spending large amounts of time training at low intensity has been shown to have beneficial effects on cardiac remodeling, future endurance performance as well as allow proper recovery from high intensity efforts, […]
Should exercise interventions be the mainstay in the management of lateral elbow tendinopathy?
This is an overview of our systematic review and meta-analysis on exercise effectiveness during the management of lateral elbow tendinopathy published in BJSM. The full text of the project can be obtained via Why is this important? Lateral elbow tendinopathy or ‘tennis elbow’ is the most common cause of pain in the elbow, with […]
App Review: PowerFrail for the assessment of relative muscle power and frailty in older people
Name of the mobile application: PowerFrail. Category of the mobile application: Health. Platform: Android (4.3 or later), iOS (8.2 or later, in process), Cost: Free. About the app PowerFrail is an evidence-based application designed to assess relative muscle power (i.e. muscle power normalized to body mass) and frailty in older people, and to provide individualized […]
The SSSPP: A novel perspective on the subspecialty of psychiatry and psychotherapy, and sports medicine
The Swiss Society for Sports Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (SSSPP) was founded on March 29, 2019. Worldwide, the SSSPP is the second society for sports psychiatry to be founded after the International Society of Sports Psychiatry (ISSP) and the first national institution of this type. Sports Psychiatry Physical activity (PA) improves mental wellbeing and reduces the […]
Brazilian jiu-jitsu: State of the art. A guide for Sports Medicine Professionals
Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a grappling combat sport and the main goal is submission of the opponent. For this, different techniques are allowed in a competition (e.g. joint locks, chokes, immobilizations, pressures). To compete, athletes are divided according to sex, age, body mass, and graduation, and the factors graduation and age define the length of the […]
Do smartphone applications and activity trackers increase physical activity in adults?
Part of the BJSM”s #KnowledgeTranslation blog series Mobile fitness applications (apps) and activity trackers are now more popular than ever. Sensors in smartphones and activity trackers enable users to easily monitor their physical activity by allowing for automated and continuous self-monitoring and feedback. This way, users are able to track their physical activity, such as […]