Do you have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to provide physiotherapy by telehealth for patients with musculoskeletal pain conditions?

Check out this free online telehealth toolkit to find out more…. by Allison M Ezzat PT PhD, Danilo de Oliveira Silva PT, PhD Musculoskeletal pain conditions are a global leading cause of pain, disability, and result in increased all-cause mortality.1 Yet, evidence-based physiotherapy management of musculoskeletal conditions is not universally accessible, especially for people living […]

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Teaming up to try and tackle the stigma around mental health in rugby

Written by Dr Steffan Griffin (PhD Student) and Heather Lewis (Mental Health Foundation) Since the LooseHeadz charity was formed in 2017, they have been relentlessly raising money and awareness around mental health and wellbeing in rugby. Through the selling of clothes and merchandise, they have raised thousands of pounds to support various mental health initiatives, […]

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Звернення до «освітніх» рук і сердець

Автор Енн Б. Гейтс @exerciseworks – with very grateful thanks to Oleksandra Petrauskaite for her translation work Як спільнота спортивної та фізкультурної медицини може підтримати українських студентів-медиків у продовженні та закінченні навчання? Коли суспільна та освітня демократія під загрозою – хто діє? 24 лютого 2022 року[1] Росія напала на мирну, демократичну Україну. Після цього розпочалася […]

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A call to “educational” arms, hearts and minds

By Ann B. Gates @exerciseworks How can the sports and exercise medicine community support Ukrainian health care students to continue their studies and graduate? When societal and educational democracy is threatened- who acts? A peaceful, democratic country, Ukraine, was invaded by Russia on 24th February 2022[1]. What followed has been a humanitarian and societal catastrophe […]

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Can better communication between medical staff and the coach reduce injuries? Let’s explore the options.

Avoiding injuries ensures high player availability and allows coaches to have the best squad possible available for training and to select their best squad for matches. In the UEFA Champions League (UCL), the unavailability of players to compete in matches due to injury averages 14% but varies between 5% and 20%. Lower injury rates have […]

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Mobile App Review for Doping-IAT: A Programme for Testing Implicit Attitude towards Doping

NAME OF THE MOBILE APPLICATION: Doping-IAT (accessible here: CATEGORY OF THE MOBILE APPLICATION: Sport PLATFORM: Android, iOS, Windows, macOS. COST: Free ABOUT THE APP: Doping-IAT is a mobile application that evaluates athletes’ implicit attitude towards doping. This implicit measure aligns with the protocol of the Doping-IAT computer test that Chan and co-workers[1] developed and […]

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Preparation and mitigation measures for exercising in the heat: what’s done by elite athletes and what’s working?

In our blog, we will explain how elite marathon runners and race-walkers coped with the hot and humid ambient conditions during the 2019 World Athletic Championship. More details are available in two recent open-access manuscripts.[1,2] Why is this study important? Numerous international events are held in the summer, in hot and/or humid ambient conditions. While […]

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Can Artificial Intelligence help us prevent and manage musculoskeletal injuries?

Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and methods have attracted considerable attention in the information industry and in society as a whole, due to the large amount of data and the imminent need to transform this data into useful knowledge and practical solutions. However, the effective use of data in some areas is still under development, as […]

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