Sport and Exercise Medicine: The UK trainee perspective (A monthly series on the BJSM blog) By Dr. Andrew Murray Increasing Physical Activity is the biggest public health challenge of the 21st century. Steven Blair’s message is so powerful that it is worth taking to the ends of the earth. I’m currently working for our CMO Harry […]
Category: General
Click below for podcast: Two new key message on sudden cardiac death prevention: Dr Jon Drezner
Professor Jon Drezner emphasises the need for careful planning and practice of emergency protocols in the sports medicine setting. He also shares the new criteria for ECG screening – these lead to a much lower false positive rate than was previously reported. He makes a compelling case to include a resting 12-lead ECG in the […]
Voltaire as a proponent of soccer therapy
By Francois Trudeau and Roy J. Shephard Soccer has recently been commended as a means of enhancing health in adults with cardiac risk factors [1, 2]. However, a re-reading of the “Book of Fate” [3] suggests that this approach was not exactly news to the French satirical author Voltaire (1694-1778). In this story, Zadig […]
BJSM Cover 2nd Semi-Final…Vote and win!
VOTE HERE (CLICK) NOW! (until May 15th) The first semi-final of the cover competition was tight! The winner advanced to the final with a one vote margin! Still a secret though! Now we have the 2nd semi-final. Rules refresher! 1. Semi Final 2 goes until midnight Oslo time: May 15th 2012. 2. You can vote […]
Guest post: Exercise is Medicine’s Bob Sallis. Every Body Walk campaign. Fun videos!
Thought you might be interested in seeing our latest edition to the Every Body Walk campaign. This PSA features the cast from The West Wing TV show. We are releasing this virally, and its had over 300,000 hits in 3 days. Behind-the-scenes See also Bob Sallis’ compelling case for doctors including exercise […]
Debate! Is education more effective than mandating helmets for skiers and snowborders? – Guest Blog from Canada Safety Council
The Canadian Paediatric Society has called for legislation mandating helmet use for all skiers and snowboarders. The Society says that through mandatory helmet legislation, governments can send a strong message that helmets are important and reduce the risk of brain injury and disability. For the record, I am a strong advocate for helmets for skiers […]
An introduction to physiotherapy issues in groin pain
By Helen Millson (M.Phil.Sports Physio UCT) Well-known FIFA sports physio Mario Bizzini called groin pain “The Bermuda Triangle of Sports Medicine?” (1) with good reason! There is little consensus on groin pain management. The key is the Correct Diagnosis – Easier said than done! This blog introduces key issues for more junior sports clinicians. What is […]
Ruling from the Court of Arbitration for Sport brings consistency, but anti-doping debate will rumble on.
The CAS has ruled that the British Olympic Association cannot exclude dopers who have served their bans from future Olympic teams. The decision pushes Dwain Chambers back into the spotlight. He has kept a low profile over the past few months, although his agent, barrister Siza Agha, has been eloquent on his behalf: “Redemption is […]
‘Cool it!’… So is thermal perception a controller of exercise intensity during heat stress?
By Drs. Zachary J. Schlader & Toby Mündel In response to: Barwood MJ, Corbett J, White D, et al. Early change in thermal perception is not a driver of anticipatory exercise pacing in the heat. Br J Sports Med 2011 Dear Editor, We read with great interest the study by Barwood and colleagues published […]
Blog by Evert Verhagen: Taking one step backwards to jump forward – the case with ankle sprains
Guest blog by Prof @EvertVerhagen It is well known that ankle sprains are the most common sports and physical activity (PA) related injury. It has also been clearly documented that athletes who experience an ankle sprain have a higher risk of re-injury within 1 to 2 years post-injury. This increased injury risk after an initial […]