Quadriceps Activation After ACL Reconstruction: The Early Bird Gets the Worm!

Keywords: ACL Reconstruction, Quadriceps Activation, Arthrogenic Muscle Inhibition

This blog is based on a recently published study that can be found here.

Early intervention can significantly improve post-surgery recovery. Learn the key techniques to enhance quadriceps activation and prevent long-term complications.


Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are common, particularly among athletes, and often require surgical reconstruction. A critical aspect of post-surgical recovery is addressing Arthrogenic Muscle Inhibition (AMI), a condition that prevents proper quadriceps activation. Without early and effective intervention, AMI can lead to persistent strength deficits, delayed recovery, and a heightened risk of re-injury. This blog discusses the importance of early quadriceps activation and highlights practical techniques to optimize rehabilitation.

Understanding Arthrogenic Muscle Inhibition (AMI) 

  • AMI leads to a reduced motor neuron pool and impairs voluntary muscle contraction. [1–3]
  • Persistent AMI can result in long-term muscle atrophy, delayed recovery, and altered biomechanics. [3–5]
  • Addressing AMI early is essential to prevent these long-term consequences.[6–8]

Techniques to Improve Quadriceps Activation

Target the Muscle System

  • BFR training: Blood flow restriction (BFR) training helps maintain muscle strength and prevent atrophy by promoting quadriceps activation under low loads, making it highly effective in the early stages of rehabilitation when AMI limits traditional strength training. [9–11]
  • Hamstring fatigue exercise: Fatiguing the hamstrings can reduce reciprocal inhibition of the quadriceps, thereby aiding in overcoming AMI and facilitating better quadriceps activation during rehabilitation. [12–14]

Target the Central Nervous System

  • Virtual reality can enhance patient motivation and adherence to therapy, potentially modulating cortical circuits and improving quadriceps activation by creating an immersive rehabilitation environment. [15]
  • Cross-education therapy leverages the activation of the non-injured limb to improve strength and reduce inhibition in the affected limb, although its efficacy for AMI post-ACLR remains debated. [16–18]
  • EMG Biofeedback with exercises provides real-time visual or auditory feedback to patients, helping them consciously activate the quadriceps and overcome AMI-related muscle inhibition. [19]
  • Motor imagery: By mentally rehearsing muscle movements, motor imagery can enhance motor neuron excitability, aiding in the reactivation of inhibited quadriceps muscles post-ACLR. [12]
  • Local vibration can stimulate the central nervous system and reduce AMI by increasing motor unit recruitment and improving voluntary quadriceps activation over time. [20]

Target the Peripheral Nervous System

  • Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES): NMES directly stimulates quadriceps muscle contractions by bypassing the inhibitory mechanisms of AMI, helping to restore strength and prevent muscle atrophy in the early stages of rehabilitation. [18,21,22]
  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) reduces pain and inhibits the sensory signals that contribute to AMI, temporarily restoring motor neuron excitability and improving quadriceps activation. [18,21,22]
  • Cryotherapy decreases pain and swelling, which mitigates the reflex inhibition caused by AMI, improving muscle activation and facilitating quadriceps strengthening. [23–26]
  • Percutaneous electrical stimulation: This technique stimulates specific nerve pathways to overcome AMI by directly enhancing quadriceps contraction, leading to reduced inhibition and increased strength.

Clinical Signs and Levels of Quadriceps Activation

  • Minimal Activation: Basic muscle contraction with full knee extension. [27–29]
  • Adequate Activation: Full knee extension during specific activities.

Fast Activation: Crucial for advanced phases of rehabilitation and return to sports. [30–33]


Early and targeted interventions are vital for addressing quadriceps activation post-ACLR. By integrating a multimodal approach that includes muscle, brain, and nerve-targeting therapies, clinicians can help patients regain strength and function more effectively. Recognizing the signs of AMI and applying evidence-based therapies can significantly reduce long-term complications and improve the rate of return to sport.


  • Early quadriceps activation is crucial to overcoming AMI.
  • A combination of muscle activation techniques, pain management, and neuromuscular therapies can optimize recovery.
  • Proper clinical assessment is necessary to customize rehabilitation strategies.
  • Properly identifying the patient’s level of activation is essential to prevent complications and ensure a successful return to activity.


Ayrton MOIROUX-SAHRAOUI1,2,3, Florian FORELLI1,2,3,4, Jean MAZEAS1,2, Alexandre JM RAMBAUD4,5, Andreas BJERREGAARD6, Jérôme RIERA7,8

  1. Orthosport Rehab Center, Domont, France 
  2. Orthopaedic Surgery Department, Clinic of Domont, Ramsay Healthcare, @OrthoLab, Domont, France
  3. Physiotherapy School, IPMR, Nevers, France
  4. SFMK Lab, Pierrefite sur seine, France 
  5. Physiotherapy School of Saint Etienne, St Michel Campus, Saint Etienne, France 
  6. Rehabilitation Department, Aspetar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital, Doha, Qatar
  7. University Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne, Lyon 1, University Savoie Mont-Blanc, Inter-university Laboratory of Human Movement Biology, EA 7424, F-42023, Saint-Etienne, France 
  8. University of Bordeaux, College of Health Sciences, IUSR, 33000, Bordeaux, France


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2 Norte G, Rush J, Sherman D. Arthrogenic Muscle Inhibition: Best Evidence, Mechanisms, and Theory for Treating the Unseen in Clinical Rehabilitation. J Sport Rehabil. 2022;31:717–35. doi: 10.1123/jsr.2021-0139

3 Lepley LK, Wojtys EM, Palmieri-Smith RM. Combination of eccentric exercise and neuromuscular electrical stimulation to improve quadriceps function post-ACL reconstruction. The Knee. 2015;22:270–7. doi: 10.1016/j.knee.2014.11.013

4 Chung KS, Ha JK, Yeom CH, et al. Are Muscle Strength and Function of the Uninjured Lower Limb Weakened After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury?: Two-Year Follow-up After Reconstruction. Am J Sports Med. 2015;43:3013–21. doi: 10.1177/0363546515606126

5 Sherman DA, Rush J, Stock MS, et al. Neural drive and motor unit characteristics after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: implications for quadriceps weakness. PeerJ. 2023;11:e16261. doi: 10.7717/peerj.16261

6 Lewek M, Rudolph K, Axe M, et al. The effect of insufficient quadriceps strength on gait after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Clin Biomech. 2002;17:56–63. doi: 10.1016/S0268-0033(01)00097-3

7 Pietrosimone B, Loeser RF, Blackburn JT, et al. Biochemical markers of cartilage metabolism are associated with walking biomechanics 6‐months following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. J Orthop Res. 2017;35:2288–97. doi: 10.1002/jor.23534

8 Grindem H, Snyder-Mackler L, Moksnes H, et al. Simple decision rules can reduce reinjury risk by 84% after ACL reconstruction: the Delaware-Oslo ACL cohort study. Br J Sports Med. 2016;50:804–8. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2016-096031

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