Sport and Exercise Medicine’s contribution to ‘social prescribing and lifestyle medicine’, more than just anecdotal support?

BJSM readers will be familiar with the concept of ‘Social Prescribing’, and the rapid pace at which it is being advocated across the world. As a journal, it has been inspiring and insightful to see some of the core concepts and aspects of social prescribing and lifestyle medicine making the jump from ‘expert opinion and advocacy’ to evidence-based policy-informing (and high quality!) research.

We at the BJSM are proud to provide a home for some hard-hitting papers in this area, and to celebrate a landmark paper making it into the Altmetric ‘Top 100’ of 2019 (more below!), we would like to highlight some of our most popular & recent ‘social prescribing/lifestyle medicine’ resources. We would like to thank all of the authors for their incredible work, and for choosing the BJSM as a home for their endeavours.

The Shortlist

How does exercise treatment compare with antihypertensive medications? A network meta-analysis of 391 randomised controlled trials assessing exercise and medication effects on systolic blood pressure #OpenAccess 

**Congratulations to Dr Naci & his team for the huge achievement of being the only BMJ Journal manuscript to make it into the #AltmetricTop100!

Effects of yoga on depressive symptoms in people with mental disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis #OpenAccess

It’s likely that yoga springs to mind at the mention of lifestyle medicine, and this freely available systematic review and meta-analysis provides some interesting insight into its potential as an intervention.

 Is walking the best buy for public health? #Podcast

Not sure where to start? What about advocating something simple to begin with? Let Prof Mutrie guide you in this powerful podcast (P.S you will be in good company – with the podcast already having been enjoyed by >15,000 listeners!).


Beyond cycle lanes and large-scale infrastructure: a scoping review of initiatives that groups and organisations can implement to promote cycling #OpenAccess

Have you been getting on your bike more often of late? It’s likely that you’re not alone! Do you want more people to join you, and kickstart and active transport revolution? This scoping review provides some evidence-based tips on how this dream could be turned into reality (zoom in to the picture for concrete tips!)

Is running associated with a lower risk of all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality, and is the more the better? A systematic review and meta-analysis #OpenAccess

One to look out for in next year’s Altmetrics rankings? With an Altmetric score of >3200, we think this hard-hitting review might make an appearance!

Resistance training – an underutilised drug available in everybody’s medicine cabinet? #BJSMBlog

This hugely popular blog spells out how incorporating some resistance training to people’s weekly routine can not only add years to life, but life to years!

Finally, it’s difficult to publish without mentioning #COVID-19…but instead of drawing on the challenges & heartache, we would like to draw attention to some of the incredible infographics produced to inform and educate during lockdown. They are all freely accessible via the link below!

Have we missed one of your favourite papers/blogs/podcasts? What would you like to see more of? Let us know via our usual social channels!

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