Learning from experience: How patients can transform research with Dr Osman Ahmed. Episode #424

   BJSM Friday Podcast #424

Can we learn more from our patients than you might think? Do they hold the answers to the clinical question that you face? Dr. Osman Ahmed @osmanhahmed is an Associate Editor at BJSM, co-leading the “Patient Voices” section of the journal alongside Dr. Tracey Blake @tracyablake. Osman discusses how we can engage our patients/athletes to improve the clinical applicability of our research, and highlights some areas of medicine that have already benefited from this approach.

Links of articles discussed on the podcast:


Interview by: Liam West @Liam_West, Sports & Exercise Medicine Registrar in Melbourne, Australia. He enjoys balancing his time between his SEM clinic, elite sports roles and working as an Associate Editor for the BJSM. Email – liamwestsem@hotmail.co.uk

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