Twisting Somersaults, Triple Axels, Tours en l’air, The Firework, Silks


By Alexander McKinven @ACPSEMdance

Aerialists, performers, divers, gymnasts, acrobats, dancers, figure skaters, medics, physios and support staff in the artistic athlete world are all invited to the beautiful city of Edinburgh, Scotland on March 30th for a unique opportunity.

The Association of Chartered Physiotherapist in Sports and Exercise Medicine, the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science and the University of Edinburgh have joined forces to provide an unrivalled platform to discuss pertinent topics in the field. With so much common ground, collectively, we have a stronger voice to influence change and improvements where needed. There is so much opportunity to learn, share and network.

‘Access to world leaders in the field’ means that if you work in this arena or want to further develop your performance medicine skills then Edinburgh, this March, is the place to be.

Hypermobility, weight management, specific injuries, motor patterning, loading, early specialisation, leadership, practitioner stressors and burnout are amongst the topics that will be presented too. Physiotherapists, psychologists and researchers will present current literature, from the BJSM, JDM&S and other leading journals highlighting the areas that are important to the dance and the aesthetic sports communities to help inform your practice 1-12. We all aim to enhance artist performance, allow for efficiency in their movements and support happy, resilient and successful artists. Injury and illness risk reduction strategies and effective teams underpin these goals. Speakers are not only from the UK, but also from the USA, New Zealand and Europe. And, they’re excited to discuss how can we create optimal environments for creative athletes.

Included in the line-up are leading figures and speakers from the Scottish and English Institute of Sports, Cirque du Soleil, Universities of Central Lancashire, Birkbeck, St Mary’s Twickenham and The Royal Ballet. A highlight will undoubtedly be Scottish Ballet’s Artistic director, Chris Hampton and Chartered Society of Physiotherapy CEO, Professor Karen Middleton in an open Q&A session on leadership.

In a fabulous venue just off the famous royal mile, this one is not to be missed. Get yer kilt on!

Prices start from £25. Further details can be found at


Alexander McKinven @ACPSEMdance is chartered physiotherapist with a special interest in dance medicine and performance science. He is the program chair for IADMS, is the dance representative for the ACPSEM and has been told looks great in a kilt.


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