Inaugural BJSM PhD Academy Awards 2016-17: Vote for the “People’s Choice Award” NOW

By Alan McCall

Welcome to the inaugural 2016/17 PhD Academy Awards. We put out a call for recently completed PhD candidates to submit a summary of their thesis. We asked them to highlight 4 key points:

  1. What did I do?
  2. Why did I do it?
  3. What did I find? And;
  4. What are the most important clinical/practical applications?

At the BJSM, we greatly value the contribution innovation brings to clinical and practical settings. Research ensures that our knowledge and practice is continually advanced through scientifically robust ways and ultimately improves our decision making and care given to patients, athletes, players and clients.

The purpose of the PhD Academy Awards is to recognise and celebrate the individuals undertaking such integral and meaningful work in the sports medicine and science industry.


We have had a fantastic response and influx of submissions since launching with the call  in summer 2016. To date we have peer reviewed, accepted and published (online first or in print edition) 10 nominees’ PhD summaries.

The official voting period for the class of 2016/17 begins NOW and you can cast your vote on the poll at the end of this blog.

We will grant awards to two PhD summaries:

  1. One will be voted for internally by the BJSM Editorial group – ‘The BJSM Editors Choice’ and;
  2. Our readers (that means you)will vote for the second via the poll at the bottom of this blog – ‘The People’s Choice Award’.

Voting for the People’s Choice Award will open on Monday 3rd July and will close on Sunday 9th July (BST).

We will announce the Editors’ Choice and the People’s Choice Award on the blog the following week.

We ask that you consider the novelty/originality of the PhD thesis, the ambitiousness, the robustness of scientific methods and your perceived overall clinical/practical impact.


The winner of the Editors’ Choice Award will receive registration to the 2018 Football Medicine Strategies Conference in Barcelona in addition to a place on the scientific program.


The People’s Choice Award winner will be able to choose from a selection of top Sports Medicine/Science books including Brukner and Khan’s Clinical Sports Medicine and Bahr and Engebretsen’s International Olympic Committee Sports Injury Prevention handbook.


Below, you will find the list of nominees and a link to 1) their PhD Academy Award manuscript and 2) a link to a ‘why vote for my PhD’ video (for those nominees submitting a video).

We look forward to celebrating the contributions made by all of the nominees and welcome submissions from the new class of 2017/18.

2016/2017 PhD Academy Awards nominees

Anna E Saw (watch video HERE)

Self-report measures in athletic preparation

Anne Fältström (watch video HERE)

One ACL injury is enough! Focus on female football players

Eric J Hegedus (watch video HERE)

The association of physical performance tests with injury in collegiate athletes

Gustaaf Reurink (watch video HERE)

Managing acute hamstring injuries in athletes

Jaclyn B Caccese (watch video HERE)

Head accelerations across collegiate, high school and youth female and male soccer players

James O’Brien (watch video HERE)

Enhancing the implementation of injury prevention exercise programmes in professional football

Matthew J Cross

Dr Matthew Cross: epidemiology and risk factors for injury in professional rugby union

Ryan Timmins (watch video HERE)

Biceps femoris architecture: the association with injury and response to training

Stephanie R Filbay (watch video HERE)

Longer-term quality of life following ACL injury and reconstruction

VOTE NOW: By clicking on your choice below 

POLL NOW CLOSED (votes no longer count)

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