Sudden victory, BJSM finalists for best cover of 2016 – vote now and win a prize!

Do you wonder what Instagram is valued at? To save you googling — it’s $40-50 billion. Snapchat? (formally ‘Snap Inc.’ now) –$20-25 billion. Images are valuable and for BJSM, the cover is the valuable single piece of real estate. Kudos to our cover page designer, Vicky Earle – – and our 25 member society leads who collaborate to build BJSM covers.

My favourites of all time include 2013’s striking concussion issue cover, the cartoon of the doctor prescribing physical activity in 2009 and 2013 (the prescription pad became a mobile device), award-winning South African covers, the Dutch-themed hamstring issue of 2014 and of course Barcelona FC’s gift of the night shot of the packed Camp Nou (2015).

The BJSM community has voted for 4 worthy finalists among the 2016 covers. In chronological order, they include; (i) a cover drawn by the BMJ cartoonist, Malcolm Willett, to reflect that ‘risk’ can be in the eye of the beholder, (ii) the crowning of an Olympic champion for the IOC Expert Group’s statement on exercise in pregnancy, (iii) the Swiss Alps on the issue that celebrated the Swiss Sports Medicine Society partnering with the BJSM, and (iv) a contemporary take on spinal pathology in the BASEM-focused issue.

But I know you are reading this to find out about the prizes. “What’s in it for me?” How does a choice of one of the ‘Big 3’ sports medicine and sports physio books sound?


  1. Brukner and Khan’s Clinical Sports Medicine, 5th Edition, 2017
  2. Grieve’s Modern Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, 4th edition, 2015
  3. The IOC Manual of Sports Injuries: An Illustrated Guide to the Management of Injuries in Physical Activity, Edited by Roald Bahr, 2012.

Here’s how to qualify for the prize:

1. Vote below for your favourite BJSM 2016 cover – polls open until May 07th.

2. Include your email address for us to contact you if you win – we will delete it after the competition. Your email will not be used for list serve or promotional purposes.

3. Tweet this blog post: mention @BJSM_BMJ and hashtag #BJSMCoverComp

AND/OR (if you are not on Twitter)

4. Like our Facebook page, like the link to this blog, share the link on your own Facebook wall, and hashtag #BJSMCoverComp

If you share this post on both Twitter and Facebook you double your chances of winning. But just one prize per person. Fast, fun, and (potentially) a great reward!


January-50-2: Sports Cardiology: Lowering Risk in Athletes
May-50-10: IOC Exercise & Pregnancy in Athletes Expert Group
September 50-18: Swiss Sports Medicine national conference
November 50-21: Focus on spine


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