Pain, Performance, Rehabilitation and Life: BASRaT Symposium 2016 – 18 Nov 2016, London 

Top 5 reasons why you need to attend the BASRaT Symposium (in no particular order)

  1.  An invaluable day full of renowned experts in the field of pain and workshops to help attendees put theory into practice. Focussing exclusively on pain and all its forms and manifestations it will be vital for practitioners to manage and manipulate pain and help people from all walks of life.
  2. Key note speech by Richmond Stace: Richmond has created the Pain Coach Programme – pain neuroscience-based coaching and treatment to overcome pain.
  3. Closing speech by Professor Jones :“Pain, the brain and a little bit of Magic” Professor Jones leads the Human Pain Research Group.
  4. Gold from Rio! We welcome BASRaT’s own Sport Rehabilitator, Hannah Crowley who helped Ed Clancy’s recovery and path to gold at Rio.
  5. Gain your CPD points and help put theory, expert advice and knowledge into practice.


Focussing exclusively on pain and all its forms and manifestations, the 2016 BASRaT Symposium is a vital opportunity for practitioners to help others, from all walks of life,  better manage and manipulate pain.

Our unmissable range of speakers includes Richmond Stace who is leading advances in understanding and treating pain and has created the pain coach programme – pain neuro-science based coaching and treatment to overcome pain, he has clinics in Harley Street, Chelsea and Surrey. Richmond will look into the importance of the first point of contact, how we can gain information from the first few words.

We have a range of workshops including ‘Gold from Rio’- BASRaT Sport Rehabilitator, Hannah Crowley helped Ed Clancy on his road to recovery from a back injury and to his gold medal win at Rio.

Our closing keynote “Pain, the Brain and a little bit of Magic” will be presented by Professor Anthony Jones. Professor Jones is an MSK pain specialist and leads the Human Pain Research Group. His talk will include identifying potential mechanisms for increased resilience to chronic pain and explain how existing therapies may modify these mechanisms. He will also outline how this understanding may be used to develop new brain-focussed therapies for acute intermittent and chronic persistent pain.

This one day event on Friday 18th November will be packed full of essential speeches, presentations and seminars, enriching your knowledge and aiding your work.

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