BJSM Virtual Conference – The Back: pain, injury, diagnosis and treatment

‘Back pain is youth leaving the body’ – Anon

Welcome to the fourth virtual conference blog – a collection of podcasts and blogs that, this time focuses on one of the most troublesome presentations in sports medicine – the athlete with back pain. So if you enjoyed our tendons, shoulder and hamstring collections, kick back and allow world-class clinicians guide you through everything you ever wanted to know (or most things anyway…).

The O’Sullivan Show

  1. Effective treatments for back pain – practical tips within a guiding framework, with Kieran O’Sullivan

Dr Kieran O’Sullivan shares his expertise on what to do and what not to do – lessons from 15 years of providing specialised clinical care and engaging in top level research. Specifically, ‘What is the role of patient advice, targeted exercises, and novel therapies including injections?’

  1. Tiger Woods in the Crosshairs. The role of ‘core’ strength and common misconceptions, with Professor Peter O’Sullivan

This podcast covers the media furore around Tiger Woods’ back pain while playing in the 2014 US PGA. He discusses the pathology, why the media suggested that Woods’ ‘sacrum went out’, and why ‘core strengthening’ may not be the holy grail of SEM. These pearls also apply to the management of low back and other pain, in a myriad of settings.

This goes hand in hand with his blog and BJSM paper that centred on (i) common misconceptions in relation to back pain and (ii) clinicians’ common diagnostic and management dilemmas regarding the mechanisms for, and the management of, recurrent and disabling back pain disorders. Easy reading with 5 key take-home points.

  1. Two cases of low back pain – the expert view, with Professor Peter O’Sullivan (@PeteOSullivanPT)

Still a bit confused or want to double-check you’ve got it mastered? Look no further – the Curtin University Prof  takes you through the diagnosis and management of two completely different cases, offering clinical pearls for you to use in clinic whether you’re a medical student or consultant. A refreshing and logical overview of a confusing area – no #shazam, just good medical common sense.

Lower back injuries in cricket players, with Alex Kountouris

With cricket featuring heavily in the news at the moment for obvious reasons (#Pomicide…), if you want to know more about one of the most prevalent injuries that affects fast bowlers, look no further than this fantastic podcast with Australian physio Alex Kontouris. He discusses strategies for the prevention and treatment of lumbar spine injuries in cricket, and answers some interesting questions posed to him from twitter!

Stabbed in the back – moving the knife out of back pain, with Jorgen Jevre jorge

An innovative blog and concept relating to the need to move the goalposts in back pain management.

“The time for change is long past due. The time is now. Let us move patients away from simplistic models of injury and faults. Away from pathologic scans and shiny scalpels. We can gravitate towards a new dawn for back pain management. Researchers can drive the change. Clinicians can be the change. And the patients deserve the change.”

Inspiring and eye-opening read!

“Should I have an MRI right now?” – Explaining the role of MRI in new low back pain, with Nash Anderson

MRI – friend or foe? A sample conversation based on studies and social media which can help to explain to athletes, patients and the public why MRIs are no magic bullet in diagnosing new low back pain every time. NEW blog – hot off the press!

And that’s it! Hope you enjoyed trawling through the resources from some hugely influential names – please do let the BJSM know your thoughts/questions on twitter, Facebook and the Google+ SEM community, we are always open to suggestions for improvement!

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