Quiddich to OA of the Knee: The Oxford Deanery SEM National Trainee Day

Sport and Exercise Medicine: The UK trainee perspective (A BJSM blog series)

By George Bownes

rugby pavillion oxfordThe introduction of national training days for SEM registrars aims to increase the quality of teaching across the country. This month the Oxford Deanery held the Second SEM National Trainee Day. The Pavilion at Oxford University Rugby Club provided a perfect back drop for the 25 trainees to spend 6 hours increasing their knowledge on paediatric musculoskeletal issues and familiarising ourselves with the latest research at the Oxford Deanery.

The morning session addressed paediatrics with consultants and registrars presented on: osteochondritis dissecans, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Perthes disease, Osgood Schlatter’s disease and adolescent bone health. There was also an update on concussion given its recent high profile within the 6 Nations. This provided some lively debate, after which the consensus within the room was that there is a greater need for more support to the ‘on field’ team to diagnose concussion.

In an effort to promote physical activity by breaking the mould of the usual format of sitting down all day at conferences, our lunch break included a 30 minute introduction to Quidditch, provided by the Oxford University Quidditch Club. As we stood on the astroturf we were surprised to hear that Quidditch is a “full contact” game. Preferring not to practise our pitchside skills that day we went for a more none contact session. This by no means reduced the competitiveness and the speed with which the Bludgers and Quaffles were launched around the playing area or the Snitch chased. Ultimately the registrars were thrashed and Quidditch was the winner.

With endorphins raised we returned to hear talks on two research projects being undertaken by SEM DPhil Registrars on OA in the Knee and Cardiovascular Disease in adults who were born premature, followed by a case presentation on Pulmonary Oedema in a swimmer. Finally, SEM ST3 Hamish Reid enlightened us on the research that goes into nutrition for expeditions, based on his own experience of being the first two-man team to circumnavigate the British Isles in a rowing boat.

The training day was successful and we are thankful to the speakers for making it so. The feeling from trainees is that these are helpful sessions to network with other trainees and raise national standards, something that our feedback forms suggest is being achieved. There are four upcoming national training days in Manchester, Oxford, London and Nottingham, so if you would like to speak at one then please drop me a line (georgebownes@hotmail.com).


George Bownes is an ST4 trainee in the Oxford Deanery. Prior to entering the registrar training programme he worked at DMRC Headley Court for a year after completing GP training. Outside the programme he is working primarily in rugby with the RFU U16’s, Harlequins and London Irish. After recent experiences he is now considering an OOPE in Quidditch Medicine.

Farrah Jawad is an ST4 trainee in the London Deanery. She co-ordinates the BJSM Trainee Perspective blog.

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