National Undergraduate Sports & Exercise Medicine Conference (Next Month!) – Hosted by SEMSoc in association with USEMS

Undergraduate perspective on Sports & Exercise Medicine  a BJSM blog series

By Ashleigh Williams


The Undergraduate Sports & Exercise Medicine Society (USEMS) has been working to promote the specialty of Sport & Exercise Medicine (SEM) to UK medical undergraduates. A primary aim for USEMS is to facilitate affordable SEM education as it does not currently feature within UK undergraduate curricula. Therefore USEMS decided that after the successes by the Cardiff SEM Society (March ’12, December ’12 & June ’13), they should help a UK regional society host an annual undergraduate SEM conference. The well established Manchester University SEMSoc (@SEMsocuk) took-on the 2013 hosting challenge.

SEMSOC UK PICTUREAimed at medical students with an interest in SEM, the conference will help students develop specialized knowledge and skills. Whilst giving insight into caring for the elite athletes medical needs, it will also provide an excellent opportunity to network with fellow students and professionals. The SEMSoc team at Manchester University have arranged lectures and interactive seminars by top SEM professionals from around the North West.

The morning will be dedicated to a series of five diverse lectures – from sports injury to research. One notable lecture will provide insight into the identification, pathophysiology and subsequent treatment of adolescent sports injury. Also, we are lucky to have Dr Richard Usher, team doctor for Team sky pro cycling team, speak on his experiences with this elite sport. The final morning lecture is on the importance of research by Dr Joseph Lightfoot, a former graduate of Manchester medical school. Dr. Lightfoot is well placed to offer advice on how other students can emulate his achievements.

The afternoon workshops will provide valuable “hands on” practice. In Workshop 1, Ms Elinor Richardson, a physiotherapist at Harris & Ross will teach lower limb assessment. Workshop 2, hosted by one of the UK’s largest undergraduate surgical societies, Scapel, will focus on shoulder injuries. The final workshop, with Dr Phillip Batty, will cover common radiological findings and relevant diagnostic entities with the practical twist of how to clinically assess for these pathologies.

Shortlisted entrants for the Tom Donaldson Prize at the upcoming BASEM conference at St. George’s Park will also have the opportunity to present posters to conference delegates.

Location: Manchester Royal Infirmary Undergraduate Centre

Date: 30th November 2013

Time: Registration 9 am

Tickets: prices include lunch, refreshments and networking

  • SEMSocUK members & Early Bird          £8
  • Full Price & Non-Members                    £10

Current programme

Dr. Leon Creaney – Meniscal injuries: Natural history and conservative treatment options

Dr. John Rogers – Tendinopathy in athletes

Dr. Richard Usher – Elite cycling & major competition

Dr. Phil Riley – Considerations in adolescent sport injury & illness

Dr. Joseph Lightfoot – Pursuing outstanding performance: the importance of research

Session 1: Lower limb assessment skills – Ms Elinor Richardson

Session 2: In association with Scalpel: Orthopaedics – Shoulder injuries in sport

Session 3: Imaging & diagnosis of joint injuries in athletes – Dr. Phillip Batty

 For more information on the conference, please visit our website or Facebook page

Facebook “SEMsoc – the sports and exercise medicine society





Dr Ashleigh Williams is a junior doctor working in The Royal Oldham Hospital after completing her medical degree at Manchester University. She is currently the Vice president of USEMS.


Dr. Liam West BSc (Hons) MBBCh is a graduate of Cardiff Medical School and now works as a junior doctor at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. In addition to his role as an associate editor for BJSM he also coordinates the “Undergraduate Perspective on Sports & Exercise Medicine” Blog Series.


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