Final Update on the Hertfordshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy: Physical Activity as a Key Priority

By Dr. Richard Weiler and Christine Neyndorff

star 4 cols - blockHere is the final update on our successful social media and BJSM blog campaign  (read original call to action here) to get physical activity promotion into the  2013-2016 Hertfordshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

Hertfordshire’s 2013-16 Health and Wellbeing Strategy was formally launched on Monday 11 February.

Physical activity was included as one of the 9 key priority areas for 2013-16 and the inclusion is summarised in the table below. The full strategy document can be read here .

Hertford graph 1

Also, here is an accompanying short video explaining the reasons behind the strategy. The footage is fantastic;  it shows many clips of people of all ages being physically active within the County and a few more clips demonstrate visits to the healthcare services for what may well be non-communicable chronic diseases resulting from physical inactivity.

We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to have presented the case for strategic inclusion of a Countywide physical activity plan to key stakeholders, for the numerous reasoned responses to the initial draft that may have stemmed from our social media campaign, and to the Health and Wellbeing Board for responding to the overwhelming consultation feedback.

The bringing together of councils and the healthcare sector in regional Health and Wellbeing boards across England provides a wonderful opportunity for collaborative thinking and strategic cross-sector approaches, largely in accordance with the Global advocacy for physical activity (GAPA) 7 areas of investment that work for physical activity spanning schools, transport, urban design, healthcare, education, community engagement and sport systems. 1,2

We hope that this story in Hertfordshire will encourage others to try and effect  local change across England to ensure that cross sector physical activity promotion is firmly on the agenda and a key public health and council focus for the coming years.


  1. Global Advocacy for Physical Activity (GAPA) the Advocacy Council of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH). Non communicable disease prevention: investments that work for physical activity. Br J Sports Med 2012;46:70912.
  1. Global Advocacy Council for Physical Activity, International Society for Physical Activity and Health. The Toronto Charter for Physical Activity: A Global Call for Action. May 20 2010.

See previous BJSM blog posts here:


Christine Neyndorff,  Director of HSP and Dr. Richard Weiler, “HSP Physical Activity Ambassador”

The Herts Sports and Physical Activity Partnership, known as HSP, was established in 2003 and our vision has remained simple and constant “Working together to encourage more people to be more active more often” . 

HSP is a voluntary organisation with a strategic board including representatives of local agencies and partners committed to working together to increase participation in sport and physical activity and promote the many benefits. The Board is supported by a small team of staff providing leadership and co-ordination to work more effectively together at county level.

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