Undergraduate perspective on sports and exercise medicine: a BJSM Blog feature and opportunity to contribute!

By Liam West (@Liam_West)

Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEM) is gaining recognition worldwide as an important medical specialty. Sports medicine involves the diagnosis and management of musculoskeletal disorders & medical issues related to exercise, while exercise medicine aims to use increased physical activity to prevent and treat non-communicable diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

This new BJSM Guest Blog series will serve as a platform to highlight topics/ issues that interest an undergraduate audience, promote SEM-related opportunities (e.g. conferences or shadowing) and share tips and advice on how students can succeed in landing an SEM post.

I encourage you to contribute to the blog. You can add an extra line to your CV while networking with similarly interested individuals across the globe. Nudge your peers to do so as well – we are a community!

To submit your blog, please:

  • email liamwestsem@hotmail.co.uk with your 400-700 word entry in a word document format.
  • attach an appropriate jpeg picture (No copyright infringement please. Include the source of the photo at the end of your document).
  • if applicable, include all hyperlinks and references
  • Also include a short (1-3 sentence) bio and contact information (let us know what personal information you want on the blog)

I will co-ordinate this new BJSM blog series. Entries are welcome from individuals of any specialty and any level of undergraduate or postgraduate training.

I look forward to reading your submissions!


Liam West is a final year medical student at Cardiff University (Wales). He is an Associate Editor for BJSM and the co-ordinator of the “The Undergraduate Perspective on Sports & Exercise Medicine” twice-monthly blog series. He is the founder and President of Cardiff Sports and Exercise Medicine Society (CSEMS), and organised the Cardiff SEM Conference 2012. Always alert to opportunity, Liam reminds you that the Cardiff Post-Olympic SEM Conference is happening in early December 2012 (date TBC – a blog entry with all details will soon be posted!). Book early – it was sold out last year! 

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