Vote now for your favourite BJSM cover to win a prize!

In the spirit of lighthearted competition (we are a sports journal after all), and wanting to learn more about our readers, BJSM is launching a 3-part cover competition.

Here’s how it works:

1. There are three rounds of voting (first one starts today and runs until April 30th).

2. You can vote once in each round.

3. The first 2 rounds include 3 covers to choose from (6 in total – chosen by a focus group).

4. We will tally the votes and then have one final round where readers pick their favourite from the top two.

4. Voters (from all rounds) will be entered into a draw for PRIZE of $133 gift certificate to (for a new book perhaps).

Any questions? Leave a comment below.

VOTE NOW! (until April 30th)

Follow this link to vote

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