The 5 most popular BJSM Podcasts in 2011

Courtesy of Boston Public Library, Flickr CC

ACL injuries, lower limb injuries, neck pain, tendons and ultrasound in sports medicine practice were the chart busters in the 2nd half of 2011. Over 4000 listeners monthly enjoy the 35 BJSM podcasts available now. And we continue to add to the list.

We are very open to your suggestions as to whom to interview – feel free to email, post a message on twitter (include @BJSM_BMJ of course) or call 1 800 BJSM.

That’s all for this blog – take the time to listen to a BJSM podcast and provide feedback via ’email or your favourite social media site


The 5 most popular BJSM Podcasts in 2011 were…

5. Treating tendinopathy with Professor Håkan Alfredson

4. Musculoskeletal ultrasound with Kim Harmon and Sean Martin

3. Managing whiplash with Michele Sterling

2. Biomechanical overload and lower limb injuries with Andrew Franklyn-Miller

…drum roll please for most popular podcast of the year…

1. The JUMP-ACL study with Anthony Beutler

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