Summit on Electrocardiogram (ECG) Interpretation in Athletes – Seattle, Feb 13-14, 2012

Guest blog by Jon Drezner, Sports Cardiology Senior Associate Editor

Photo by Andrew E. Larsen, Flickr cc

A Summit on Electrocardiogram (ECG) Interpretation in Athletes is being held in Seattle on February 13-14, 2012.  The meeting is sponsored by the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) in partnership with the Pediatric & Congenital Electrophysiology Society (PACES), European Society of Cardiology Sports Cardiology Subsection, the British Journal of Sports Medicine, and the FIFA Medical Assessment and Research Center (F-MARC).  Seattle will host experts on ECG interpretation in athletes from the U.S., Italy, Sweden, U.K., Belgium, Switzerland, Qatar and Brazil.

Summit participants aim to:

  1. Define ECG interpretation standards in athletes and;
  2. Develop a comprehensive, freely-available online training module for physicians to gain a common foundation in ECG interpretation in athletes.

This educational resource will help physicians distinguish normal ECG variants in athletes from ECG patterns that suggest an underlying cardiac disorder.

This state of the art E-learning program will be hosted by BMJ Learning and will be accessible to any physician in the world with the aim of improving the cardiovascular care of athletes.

Participants include:


Jonathan Drezner, MD  (Chair)

Jeff Anderson, MD

Chad Asplund, MD

John DiFiori, MD

Kim Harmon, MD

Stephen Paul, MD

ESC Sports Cardiology Section:

Mats Borjesson, MD

Domenico Corrado, MD, PhD

Hein Heidbuchel, MD

Antonio Pelliccia, MD

Sanjay Sharma, MD


Michael Ackerman, MD, PhD

Bryan Cannon, MD

Peter Fischbach, MD

Jack Salerno, MD

Other U.S. Cardiologists

Euan Ashley, MD

Aaron Baggish, MD

Vic Froelicher, MD

Joseph Marek, MD

David Owens, MD

Jordan Prutkin, MD

Victoria Vetter, MD

F-MARC (FIFA Medical Assessment and Research Centre)

Christian Schmied, MD

Qatar (Aspetar)

Mathew Wilson, PhD


Ricardo Stein, MD, ScD

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