When is ultrasound most helpful for sports medicine clinicians? – BJSM podcast

As part of BJSM’s ongoing interest in ultrasound (US) use in sports medicine, our September 5th podcast addresses key questions such as, When is ultrasound most helpful for sports medicine clinicians?

AMSSM’s inspirational Kim Harmon (Director of the Sports Medicine Fellowship at the University of Washington, US) and the erudite Sean Martin (Clinical Faculty at Eglin Air Force Base, US) share their primary care sports medicine practice tips.

Martin also comments on how the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) has taken a leading role in providing US information and training. See the dedicated section on musculoskeletal ultrasound on the AMSSM website.

Join the discussion – do you use? Post below or email karim.khan@ubc.ca.

Listen to the complete podcast — details on US instrument use and suggestions for online resources!

Related BJSM publications

Dedicated BJSM issue: Ultrasound the new stethoscope? (December 2010)

BJSM blog: Ultrasound at point of care – the sports medicine stethoscope (August 2011)

BJSM podcast: What is the future in sports imaging? with Bruce Forster, David Hancock and John Orchard (January 2011)

BJSM article: Ultrasound guided dry needling and autologous blood injection for patellar tendinosis. Steven L J James, Kaline Ali, Chris Pocock et al. (March 2007)

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