Now the Wall Street Journal chimes in on athlete’s heart

Today a short link to the Wall Street Journal. [this link is to a free, shorter version of the paper – subscription version highlighted below].
BJSM Senior Associate Editor Jon Drezner is quoted liberally – all good stuff for sports medicine and for his University of Washington. Sports cardiology is a hot topic when it makes the mainstream media. We ran a sports cardiology blog yesterday — interpreting athletes’ ECG/EKG and now WSJ adds interesting new issues! Mandatory exclusion is clearly a tricky issue.

Next thing the editorial team will get accused for making this the BJSC – British Journal of Sports Cardiology!

See the links in yesterday’s guest blog (by Dr Babette Pluim – her PhD was in sports cardiology!). Also, Jon Drezner did a nice job explaining all this in his podcast!
There are key papers Online first and a couple of very interesting ones in the pipeline! Keep an eye out in the BJSC, oops, I mean BJSM for the latest in Sports Cardiology.

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