Dr. Chris Milne, BJSM Editorial Board Member, receives Queen’s Service Medal for Achievement.

Dr. Chris Milne, BJSM Editorial Board Member, was recently awarded the Queen’s Service Medal for achievement in Sports Medicine. Demonstrating ‘meritorious service to the Crown’ is no small feat. Some of Chris’ notable contributions to Sports Medicine include: President and Chairman of Sports Medicine New Zealand, President of Australasian College of Sports Physicians, and team […]

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Lateral hip pain – more likely gluteus medius tendinopathy than ‘trochanteric bursitis’

Our New Zealand colleagues had a great sports medicine conference in Wellington this week following their successful hosting of the World Championships in Rowing. Congratulations to Dr Chris Milne and colleagues from all disciplines who made this a success. In a conversation with Chris I was reminded that the lateral hip pain label of  ‘trochanteric […]

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Crying wolf: When media reports distort research evidence

As a researcher who has spent a considerable period investigating the risks of injury 1 2 in rugby, and setting up and evaluating injury prevention programmes designed to mitigate the risks 3, I read the BBC media report of July 4, 2010 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10501327) quoting Professor Allyson Pollock that ‘high tackles and scrums should be banned […]

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