Our annual ‘Top 10 Articles’ – what does this mean?

Similar to many other journals, here at BMJ Quality & Safety, each year we choose a list of notable articles from the previous year to share with our readers. Our goals with this are to highlight specific examples of important work shared in the journal. But what does it mean to be selected as a […]

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Tailoring audit and feedback – a precision intervention but with added complexity?

Do you respond to feedback from audits? Do you think you respond in the same way as your colleagues? If not, perhaps feedback should be provided to you and your colleagues in different ways. This is the proposal from Desveaux and colleagues in their Viewpoint about the role of tailoring in audit and feedback (A&F)1. […]

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Introducing the Top Articles of 2021

While choosing the top articles published in BMJ Quality and Safety is a challenge every year, 2021 saw a higher number of submissions than those seen prior to 2020. Nearly one in five submissions related to COVID-19. The editors and editorial board of the journal therefore had some difficult choices to make in selecting the […]

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Advanced analytics in healthcare: ready for primetime?

After Michael Lewis’s 2003 book Moneyball revealed that statistical analysis seemed to offer an edge to baseball’s Oakland Athletics, reformers in many other fields tried to emulate the team’s success. There was ‘moneyball for government,’ ‘moneyball for education,’ ‘moneyball for policing’ – initiatives founded on the idea that the introduction of data analysis might upend […]

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