A NICE game of Minecraft: Philosophical flaws underpinning UK depression guideline nosology [read the article summary]
by Susan McPherson
Neurological disorders, affective bioethics, and the nervous system: Reconsidering the Schiavo case from a materialist perspective
by Matthew Wolf-Meyer
Putting the NHS England on trial: Uncertainty-as-power, evidence and the controversy of PrEP in England [read the article summary]
by Maurice Nagington and Tony Sandset
Ex ovo omnia? A letter to members of The Ovum Club on the 50th anniversary of the beginning of IVF
Psychedelic crossings: American mental health and LSD in the 1970s [read the article summary]
by Lucas Richert and Erika Dyck
The imaginary of precision public health
by Martha Kenney, Laura Mamo
Ethnography of texts: A literature review of health and female homosexuality in Brazil
by Carolina Rau Steuernagel, Eivind Engebretsen, Hans Wiggo Kristiansen and Kåre Moen
Beyond pathology: Women’s lived experiences of melancholy and mourning in infertility treatment [read the article summary]
by Marjolein Lotte de Boer, Hilde Bondevik and Kari Nyheim Solbraekke
The singular patient in patient-centred care: Physiotherapists’ accounts of treatment of patients with chronic muscle pain
by Birgitte Ahlsen, Eivind Engebretsen, David Nicholls and Anne Marit Mengshoel
‘Voice of resistance’: Rim Banna, cancer and Palestine’s body politic [read the article summary]
by Abir Hamdar
Using MRI art, poetry, photography and patient narratives to bridge clinical and human experiences of stroke recovery [read the article summary]
by Gabrielle Brand, Ashlee Osborne, Steve Wise, Collette Isaac and Christopher Etherton-Beer
Distressed doctors: A narrative and historical study of work-related mental discomfort among practising physicians [read the article summary]
by Jonatan E G Wistrand
Cancer and the emotions in 18th-century literature [read the article summary]
by Noelle Gallagher
Coping by metaphors: The versatile function of metaphors in blogs about living with advanced cancer [read the article summary]
by Anna W Gustafsson, Charlotte Hommerberg and Anna Sandgren
‘A small cemetery’: Death and dying in the contemporary British operating theatre [read the article summary]
by Agnes Arnold-Forster
You shall bury him: Burial, suicide and the development of Catholic law and theology [read the article summary]
by Ranana Leigh Dine
Orthorexia: Eating right in the context of healthism: Editor’s Choice
by Cristina Hanganu-Bresch
‘These were made-to-order babies’: Reterritorialised Kinship, Neoliberal Eugenics and Artificial Reproductive Technology in Kishwar Desai’s Origins of Love
by Manali Karmakar and Avishek Parui
The Well-Being Index WHO-5: Hedonistic foundation and practical limitations [read the article summary]
by Amalie Oxholm Kusier and Anna Paldam Folker
Awaking insomnia: Sleeplessness in the 19th century through medical literature
by Gaspard Aebischer and Philip Alexander Rieder