Quick and pointless

This has been bugging me for months, if not years.  Sorry to spam it here, but maybe someone could provide me with an answer: if and when an effective treatment is discovered for c. difficile, will it have to be renamed – perhaps as c. facile?  Have I missed something? Like I said – sorry. […]

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Money for Octuplets

I don’t think that anyone has mentioned the increasingly curious Suleman octuplet story yet on this blog.  So I’ll just quickly point out that Nadya Suleman has – obviously – a website, on which she asks for comments and – erm – donations. If someone could tell me what to think about this in a sane and […]

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Drugs are Bad, m’kaaaay?

As widely predicted, the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs has advised that ecstasy be downgraded from a class-A to a class-B drug.  This comes in the wake of the Council’s chair, David Nutt, suggesting that ecstasy ought to be considered no more dangerous than horse-riding.  (The full article can be found here, but for non-institutional readers, a […]

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