Modesty, Conscience, and What it Takes to be a Doctor (with a bit of Comedy)

Two apparently unrelated new and new-ish papers in the JME have caught my eye over the last few days.  One of them is this one: Salilah Saidun’s “Photographing Human Subjects in Biomedical Disciplines: An Islamic Perspective”.  We’ll come to the other in a little while. There’s a couple of puzzling things about the paper.  One is […]

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CONF & CFP: 9th International Conference on Clinical Ethics Consultation

From Ralf Jox (Munich) Call for Abstracts: “Clinical ethics: bridging clinical medicine and ethics”. The Ninth International Conference on Clinical Ethics Consultation (ICCEC) 2013 will take place in Munich, Germany. The conference’s intention is to strengthen the bridge between clinical medicine and ethics by providing a forum for the exchange of experience and discussions between clinicians, ethicists and ethics consultants. […]

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A Conscience Clause with Claws

There’s a flurry of papers on conscientious objection in the latest JME: Giles Birchley argues, taking his cue from Arendt, that conscientious objection has a place in medicine here; Sophie Strickland’s paper on medical students’ attitude to conscientious objection (which I mentioned in July) is here; and Morten Magelssen wonders when conscientious objection should be accepted here. […]

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Three Quiet Cheers for Uterine Transplants

Charles Foster’s post over at Practical Ethics about the news of the womb-transplant surgery that’s slated to take place in the near future is on the money in many respects.  Foster points out that [p]redictably the newspapers loved it. And, equally predictably, clever people from the world’s great universities queued up to be eloquently wise […]

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