Queering the genome: epigenome editing for biological lesbian motherhood

By Adrian Villalba.

In the thrilling frontier of reproductive technologies, a ground-breaking approach aims to shake the foundations of conventional norms – it’s called epigenome editing. Imagine a world where same-sex couples can have genetically related children without the traditional genetic hurdles. Welcome to the era of “queering the genome”.

This revolutionary technique bypasses the pitfalls of traditional gene editing, opening up new possibilities for those seeking genetically connected offspring. The very essence of epigenome editing challenges our established ideas of biological reproduction. It’s not just a solution; it’s a game-changer. The heart of the matter lies in the ethical considerations swirling around this technology. Delving deep into the ethical waters, my JME paper explores the potential long-term impacts and compares the unique challenges posed by epigenome editing against traditional gene editing. The integration of feminist theories adds layers to the discussion, offering a conceptual framework for understanding the ethical implications of this transformative technology.

But here’s the kicker – this isn’t just theoretical. We’ve taken a tangible step into that future. Epigenome editing has been put to the test in mice, achieving the extraordinary feat of generating offspring exclusively from female mice. This challenges our very understanding of reproduction and prompts a re-evaluation of what it means to create life. In a world that prompts inclusivity and diversity, epigenome editing may present significant progress in reproductive medicine and bioethics. The experiments with mice showcase the immense potential of this technology, pointing toward a future where same-sex couples can have genetically related children.

But this isn’t a solo journey. As the author of the article, I am enthusiastic about collaboration. I invite scholars interested in furthering the field of epigenome editing to join forces. Together, we can push the boundaries of what we know, fuelling advancements that will shape the future of reproductive medicine. This is not just a discussion; it’s a call to embrace a more inclusive and ethically conscious future. I invite you to read the paper and if this exciting frontier sparks a fire in you, don’t hesitate to reach out – let’s shape the future together!


Paper: Queering the genome: ethical challenges of epigenome editing in same-sex reproduction

Author: Adrian Villalba

Affiliation: Department of Philosophy IUniversidad de GranadaGranadaSpain

Competing interests: None declared

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