Can you recognise the “IN” and “OUT” leaders? by Kamal R. Mahtani and Sean Heneghan

The COVID-19 pandemic has created opportunities for people to lead in different ways. In this piece, we highlight the concept of “IN” and “OUT” leadership. The idea was first brought to our attention in a Harvard Business Review article by Gill Korkindale. We summarise and extend the features of “IN” and “OUT” leadership and hypothesise that […]

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What Drives Doctors?: Reflections on Seeking Impact and Achieving Mastery over Challenge by James Stoller

I’m a big believer in coaching. Having coaches – both formal and informal – has been invaluable to me over years; at their best, coaches are thoughtful observers who can ask us the right questions to  elicit our coming up with our own right answers. I remember an “aha” moment with a talented executive coach […]

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