Until tackling health inequalities becomes business as usual, innovation is our best chance of equity. By Dr. Stuart Monk

This blog post was originally published on the Health Innovation Network website Dr Stuart Monk, National Programme Director for the Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC) Programmes at the Health Innovation Network, talks about the pivotal role of innovation tackling healthcare inequalities in the NHS. At the Royal Society of Medicine’s Tackling Inequalities conference last month, it […]

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Leading Change in Health and Social Care: Building Relationships, Diversity and Action. By Corrina Grimes

Leading change in the realm of health and social care is multifaceted and transcends the mere transmission of information through letters or reports. It’s about people, relationships, and trust. The late entrepreneur and philanthropist Chuck Feeney’s wise words,[1] “It’s always about people,” underline the fundamental importance of human connections in driving transformative change in healthcare […]

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Alone we are strong, together we are stronger by Shabir Shivji

Oral Health and CVD Prevention – The Power of Making Every Contact Count (MECC) We must seek any ‘silver linings’ for the NHS from the dark clouds of COVID. The Pandemic has focused minds on the challenge of reducing health inequality and reminded us that prevention is more effective and cheaper than medical management of […]

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“The cobbler’s children have no shoes” by Emma Hadley and Partha Kar

Partha Kar: “Family must look after family” So goes an old African proverb. Yet somehow the NHS has always struggled with the basic concept of that. Caught in the cocktail of shrinking public funds, greater desire for efficiency, increased demand from the public as well as unrealistic expectations set by politicians, the NHS has tried […]

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In tackling health inequalities, we must be patient centric and system focused by Aideen Dunne

As a fitness instructor in a gym in Ireland I was often frustrated at the lack of progress many of my clients achieved, despite giving them the skills, knowledge and equipment they needed to achieve their goals. Now as a Public Health Registrar, I know that the barriers to their success were not simply a […]

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Injustice in Healthcare by Chandraa Bhattacharya

The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a bright light on the seriousness of health inequalities within England, exacerbating the significant discrepancy between healthy life expectancy that is known to exist between the least and most deprived areas of England.  A national approach to reduce health inequalities and narrow the life expectancy inequality gap, has been developed […]

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Leadership and health inequalities by Bola Owolabi

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the BMJ Leader series of blogs on Core20PLUS5, written by the fabulous clinical fellows currently working across NHS England and NHS Improvement and Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP). I am heartened that NHS England and NHS Improvement’s national approach to tackling health inequalities is understood and interpreted so well by our […]

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“Bright spot thinking – learning from best practice to tackle inequalities in cardiovascular disease” by Tom Gardiner

The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a bright light on the seriousness of health inequalities within England, exacerbating the significant discrepancy between healthy life expectancy that is known to exist between the least and most deprived areas of England. A national approach to reduce health inequalities and narrow the life expectancy inequality gap, has been developed […]

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“Collecting the data is just the start” by Josie O’Heney

The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a bright light on the seriousness of health inequalities within England, exacerbating the significant discrepancy between healthy life expectancy that is known to exist between the least and most deprived areas of England.  A national approach to reduce health inequalities and narrow the life expectancy inequality gap, has been developed […]

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