Science, society & politics: being future ready

  In the last nine months, COVID-19 has proved to be unlike any other outbreak the world has seen in the past century. Its impact is beyond health and is expected to last years – if not more. We saw first-hand how ill-prepared we were to deal with the pandemic. Even countries like USA and […]

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Providing primary care in COVID-19 lockdown to rural, underserved areas of Rajasthan, India

  The first case of SARS-COV-2 was reported in India in 30th January 2020.  A few months down the line, the Government of India announced a sudden lockdown on  24th March. Following the lockdown, all local transport, private and public, came to a halt, private healthcare providers closed their clinics, and government health facilities significantly […]

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Giving birth amid a pandemic in Belgium: the challenges faced by mothers and midwives

  Many voices have arisen as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds to draw attention on the numerous hidden repercussions of the crisis. The magnitude of those consequences will probably be clear only in the aftermath of the pandemic. But one thing is certain: both patients and healthcare workers have been deeply impacted. Since April 22, with […]

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Ethical Pandemic Control

  What makes the difference in whether actions in the face of a pandemic such COVID-19 are perceived as ethical or unethical? And why does this matter to the trajectory of a pandemic? Traditionally in public health ethics, five factors have played a prominent role in ethically responding to an epidemic. Organism biology Infectiousness and […]

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