Trade versus health: an old argument with new hope for tobacco control in India

By Monika Arora and Soumyadeep Bhaumik ‘Two steps forward, one step back’ is probably the most appropriate catchphrase to describe the arduous progress that India has made in the use of pictorial health warnings (PHW) on tobacco products. PHWs were first implemented in India in 2009 after repeated directives from High Courts and the Supreme Court […]

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Where are the economic benefits we, the TB-affected, were promised?

Deepti Chavan When the Government of India in its National Tuberculosis Strategic Plan 2017-2022 announced that tuberculosis (TB) patients would be provided direct economic benefits while on treatment, I was overjoyed. I have seen up close and upfront how TB affects a family’s economic status. I am a multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB survivor. My six-year […]

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India’s toilet use challenge and the dilemma of human behaviour

By Pritha Chatterjee and Dr K. Viswanath, Harvard School of Public Health The single biggest problem in communication, as the erudite George Bernard Shaw worried, is the illusion that it has taken place. While this applies profoundly in many areas of public health, the open defecation challenge in India lends itself as a particularly telling […]

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