In a week that has seen several failed trials of cholesterol-tinkering, it’s good to see a successful trial of an agent which reduces major coronary events in hypercholesterolaemic patients without […]
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Arch Intern Med 26 Mar 2007
We dole them out, but 20-50% of the pills we prescribe remain on the shelf. […]
Plant of the Week: Magnolia denudata
This has not been a good season for magnolias in Great Britain: […]
Remedy UK plans legal challenge
Remedy UK, the organisation behind the MTAS protest marches in London and Glasgow, is to launch a legal challenge to the single interview process planned for junior doctors in England. […]
Scotland and Wales go it alone
In the latest move over medical training applications, England remains isolated in its decision to offer applicants just one interview for a post. Wales and Scotland have decided they will each […]
MMC head resigns
The national director of Modernising Medical Careers, Professor Alan Crockard, has resigned over the MTAS debacle. He sent a letter last night to the Chief Medical Officer, Professor Sir Liam Donaldson, saying […]
Attend your interviews, applicants told
Applicants under MTAS who have already been offered interviews in round one have been asked to carry on and attend these — even if they have more than one interview […]
JAMA 21 Mar 2007
Reduction of Atherothrombosis for Continued Health (REACH) could be a description of what we spend half our time doing in primary care, but it is also the name of a […]
NEJM 22 Mar 2007
In England they used to be known as firemen, even when this invited confusion with the stokers of steam locomotives, but now they are usually called by the more heroic […]
BMJ 24 Mar 2007
Warning: this meta-analysis is only for single LADs. […]