Last week’s historic election of the United States’ first black president was an uplifting event that speaks of possibilities, to being able to trounce racism and collectively help shape a […]
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Matiram Pun: Obama wins – a pretty optimistic outlook for the world
Kenya’s people have shown an enthusiasm bordering on fanaticism over the US presidential election and declared a national holiday after Barack Obama’s win. But it was not only Kenya and […]
Domhnall MacAuley: Was Jesus a jogger?
It was his idea. But, neither of us was wimp enough to pull out. Dragging ourselves out of bed at 6.15am was a struggle, never mind the aching limbs from […]
Anna Donald’s American dream
I have just finished sobbing for hours over Barak Obama’s winning the US Presidency. I lived in Boston, Palo Alto (California), and Albany New York as a small child. My […]
Tauseef Mehrali: Attack of the clipboards
I sat riveted through Kenneth Branagh’s perceptive portrayal of Ivanov in Chekhov’s eponymous play. Witnessing the desperate depression of the protagonist unfold I couldn’t help thinking how many points he […]
Frances Dixon on her first month at medical school
So that’s four weeks of medical school gone. Just six more years left. The first month has been pretty hectic, but thoroughly enjoyable. It started off, as most courses do, […]
Domhnall MacAuley on personal, primary and continuing care … airline style
When the captain said we were 29th in the queue for take off there was a collective sigh. Friday evening, Newark airport, and everyone keen to get back to Europe. […]
Ice cold in Alice with Anna Donald
I have just returned from a 40-year “anniversary” with my father, who adopted me, sort of, at two. A long time ago. When Morris Minors still bootled about with wooden […]
Julian Sheather on the architecture of happiness
I have recently been reading a report on ethical issues in public health from the Nuffield Foundation on Bioethics. It is a lovely document, subtle and interrogative, delightfully rich, as […]
Ike Anya: Why organise a conference on Nigerian health….in London?
A quiet milestone passed in May this year, when Nigerians marked nine years of unbroken civilian government, the longest period in the 48 years since independence. A year earlier, the […]