Football injuries and their prevention with Swedish football injury warriors Martin & Markus

By Nirmala Perera (@Nim_Perera) with contributions from Martin Hägglund (@MHgglund) and Markus Waldén (@MarkusWalden) What are the most common/’costly’ football injuries? Hamstring Injuries Hamstring injuries are the most common injuries in football. The findings are consistent across studies. In fact, hamstring injury rates seem to be increasing in elite football.1 The long head of biceps femoris is most […]

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Winner announcement: BJSM 2014 cover competition

The Dutch Association of Sports Medicine theme issue that focused on muscle injuries won the Oscar for BJSM’s 2014 cover.  The clear winner broke the The South African Sports Medicine Association’s  3-year stranglehold on the coveted trophy; no other nation had captured this ultimate among sports awards. Congratulations to all 17 BJSM member societies and particularly to those […]

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Triathlete with calf/Achilles pain – what’s the diagnosis? (Just one of six fun interactive cases!)

We know that case-based learning is the most effective and fun way to improve clinical skills. So BJSM provides opportunities! Under the “Education” tab on the home page, click on Image Quiz. You’ll find real-life cases – ideal for medical students and junior doctors. (We tested our EIC on two and are pleased to report […]

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