By Anna Boniface@AnnaBoniface Low energy availability (LEA) from insufficient energy intake to fuel training demands and daily physiological processes has a negative impact to multiple systems in the body (Mountjoy et al, 2014). Adverse effects to bone health are a consequence of LEA. An athlete presenting with a bony stress injury (BSI) to a health […]
Category: General
Part 2: Swiss-British student exchange!
By Alexandra Ross & Shona Kohlhardt @shonakohlhardt In Part 1 of this blog, we recounted the student experience from the 1st British-Swiss student exchange in the UK last October 2018. In Part 2, we take you to Bern. Enjoy! Welcome to Bern Warmly welcomed by Chloé, we had arrived in Bern. With the stunning city landscape […]
Human factors in sports medicine (Part 1)
By Peter Dzendrowskyj The Chernobyl disaster, the Piper Alpha explosion, the Hillsborough crowd deaths and the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion all involved a breakdown and failure in non-technical skills. These skills, known as ‘human factors’ have long been studied and taught in industries such as aviation and nuclear power. The failure to recognise and address these […]
Soft tissue injuries simply need PEACE & LOVE
By Blaise Dubois @blaisedubois and Jean-Francois Esculier @JFEsculier Rehabilitation of soft tissue injuries can be complex. Over the years, acronyms guiding their management have evolved from ICE to RICE[1], then to PRICE[2] and POLICE[3]. Although widely known, the evidence for these treatments is limited. ICE/RICE/PRICE focus on acute management and ignore sub-acute and chronic stages of tissue […]
Relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S): recognition and next steps
By Emily Dudgeon Relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S) is a condition of low energy availability affecting male and female athletes of all levels and ages [1]. It has wide ranging adverse effects on all bodily systems and can seriously compromise long term health and performance [2]. Athletes affected by RED-S have openly spoken about consequences […]
A taster week in sports medicine
The Gait Way to Sport and Exercise Medicine – a BJSM blog series By Dr Scott Osborne @DrScottOsborne A ‘taster week’ is the opportunity for newly qualified doctors in the UK to spend up to five days gaining experience in a specialty of their choice. Having previously worked with sports medicine consultant Dr Andrew Murray (@docandrewmurray), I arranged […]
Athletes! Is food and training the answer? (Part 2)
Start with Part 1 of this blog here. Physically, when the body is under “stress” levels of cortisol rise. When this is chronic, it prevents the pituitary gland from working effectively, leading to hormonal disturbances that have serious negative consequences.(1-3) The more obsessive and restrictive an athlete becomes, the more the workings of neurotransmitters are […]
Talking Tendinopathy & Solving the Soleus Conundrum with Dr Seth O’Neill
Elaborating on a milestone podcast: 5000 listens within 48-hours of going live…usually associated with football transfer announcements, not chats about muscles of the lower limb! Testament to the quality of the guest, the podcast has generated quite a response online. What are the key concepts, models & papers referred to in the podcast? Risk […]
#GISPT19 International Conference / Advances in Sport Rehabilitation: Football Symposium
After the success of the first two editions, the Advances in Sport Rehabilitation Football Symposium is back! The congress takes place this June in the heart of Verona, in the historical palace of Gran Guardia. This year, discussions will revolve around Rehabilitation and Return to Sport in the world of Football. We’ve partnered with Group of Italian Sports (GIS), The British Journal […]
Athletes! Is food and training the answer? (Part 1)
Human competitive nature is a biological trait that has co-evolved with the basic need for survival(1). It motivates us to get out of bed and show up every day. But is all competitiveness good for us? From my 8-years of sports specific and 20-years total dietetic experience working with athletes of all levels (recreational […]