Hot Topic: Current Anti-Doping Policies

A recent editorial by Babette Pluim entitled, “A doping sinner is not always a cheat” [excerpt below], has created some fiery discussion amongst BJSM editors and readers this month. The doping rules these days are really tough. The basic principle is: first offense gets a 2 year ban, second offence a lifetime ban. Everyone seems […]

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Travel fatigue and jet-lag are not synonyms

Dear Editor, We were pleased to see the ‘original article’ by Milne and Shaw (2008) offering advice for those traveling to the Beijing Summer Olympics Games in August later this year in a professional or participatory capacity. The authors are to be complimented on their endeavours to accommodate a comprehensive range of environmental aspects that […]

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BJSM Peer Review: “There is a “biologically plausible explanation” for lower supramaximal oxygen uptake”

BJSM peer review of Noakes’ paper, “How did A.V. Hill understand the VO2max and the “plateau phenomenon”? Still no clarity?” by Mark Burnley, Department of Sport and Exercise Science, Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK. “There is a “biologically plausible explanation” for lower supramaximal oxygen uptake” I read with concern the recent review of Noakes[1] accepted for […]

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