Leading from the front – women in medical leadership with ACSEP President Dr Louise Tulloh


On this week’s episode, recently elected President of The Australasian College of Sport and Exercise Physicians (ACSEP) Dr Louise Tulloh joins us to chat about overcoming barriers for women in medical leadership. Earlier this year, Dr Tulloh became the first female President in ACSEP’s 34-year history.

The ACSEP is one of 15 specialist medical colleges in Australia, of which only two other presidents are women. With Dr Tulloh as President, ACSEP’s two most senior leadership positions (President and CEO) are now held by women.

Based in New South Wales, Dr Tulloh has been practicing sport and exercise medicine for over 20 years. Throughout her career, Dr Tulloh has worked with many teams and covered numerous events including triathlon, gymnastics, sailing and the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. As an active member of the sport and exercise medicine community, she continues to lecture widely to other clinicians, athletes and the general public.

In this 20-minute podcast, Dr Tulloh discusses:

  • Her new role as President of ACSEP
  • Barriers to women attaining leadership positions in medicine and we can overcome them
  • Gender stereotypes within leadership
  • Changing sports culture and creating equity within organisations

To find out more about Dr Tulloh or ACSEP check out:

Twitter @DrLouiseTulloh/ @ACSEPpresident/ @ACSEP_

Website: https://www.acsep.org.au/

And do not miss out on ACSEP’s 2020 Annual Conference 2020 (Feb 7-9) in Canberra, Australia. Register now! https://www.acsep.org.au/page/events/conference-2020


Further reading

Boylan J, Dacre J, Gordon H. Addressing women’s under-representation in medical leadership. The Lancet. 2019 Feb 9;393(10171) https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(18)32110-X/fulltext

Bismark, Marie, et al. “Reasons and remedies for under-representation of women in medical leadership roles: a qualitative study from Australia.” BMJ open 5.11 (2015): https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/5/11/e009384?utm_source=TrendMD&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=BMJOp_TrendMD-0

Burton, Laura J. “Underrepresentation of women in sport leadership: A review of research.” Sport management review 18.2 (2015): 155-165. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1441352314000175

Stern, Nicole G., and James R. Barrett. “Is there perceived gender disparity for women practicing sports medicine?.” Advancing Women in Leadership 33 (2013): 48-51. https://journals.tdl.org/awl/index.php/awl/article/view/99

ACSEP elects first female president – ACSEP Blog https://www.acsep.org.au/page/news/blog/acsep-elects-first-female-president

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