The 3rd BJSM PhD Academy Awards: Class of 2018-19


By Alan McCall

It’s that time of year again, when we celebrate the fantastic contributions that recently graduated PhD candidates have made to enhancing the knowledge of sports medicine and science. Time flies, and this is now our 3rd BJSM PhD Academy Awards! Our previous winners were James O’Brien, Amy Arundale (Editor’s Pick) and Ryan Timmins and Nick van der Horst (People’s Choice).

To remind you, the PhD Academy Awards initiative launched in the summer of 2016 and requires nominees to submit a summary of their PhD highlighting;

  1. What did I do?
  2. Why did I do it?
  3. What did I find?
  4. What were the most important clinical/practical applications.

As always we thank all of those submitting their PhD summary for the Academy Awards! We have a great array of PhD’s to choose from.

Here’s a reminder on how the voting works:


There will be 2 successful PhD summaries: one will be voted for internally by the BJSM Editorial group – ‘The BJSM Editors Choice’ and the second will be voted for by our readers through this BJSM blog – ‘The Peoples’ Choice Award’.

Voting for the Peoples Choice Award will open on Monday, 24th June and close on Monday 8th July at 23:49. Awards will be announced on Wednesday 10th July.

We ask that you consider the novelty/originality of the PhD thesis, the ambitiousness, the robustness of scientific methods and your perceived overall clinical/practical impact.


The winner of the ‘Editors’ Choice’ Award will receive registration to the 2020 Football Medicine Strategies Conference in Lyon (October 20th 2020) in addition to a place on the scientific program:

The‘Peoples’ Choice’ Award winner will be able to choose from a selection of top Sports Medicine/Science books including Brukner and Khan’s Clinical Sports Medicine and Bahr and Engebretsen’s International Olympic Committee Sports Injury Prevention handbook.


Below, you will find the list of nominees and a link to their PhD Academy Award manuscript and for some, a video explaining why you should vote for their PhD.

We look forward to celebrating the contributions made by all of the nominees and welcome submissions from the new class of 2019-20.

List of PhD Academy Awards nominees


Karsten Hollander (watch video HERE)

Long-term adaptations of habitual barefoot locomotion on foot morphology and biomechanics during childhood and adolescence (BJSM PhD Academy Award)


Nirmala Perera (watch video HERE)

Too many rib ticklers? Injuries in Australian women’s cricket (BJSM PhD Academy Award)


Brea Kunstler

Physical activity promotion in Australian physiotherapy practice: how do physiotherapists promote physical activity and what factors influence promotion? (BJSM PhD Academy Award)


Kathryn Lacey O’Connor

Concussion among military service academy members: identifying risk factors, recovery trajectories, and the role of mental health (BJSM Phd Academy Award)


Michiel B Winkes

Chronic exertional compartment syndrome of the deep posterior lower leg (BJSM PhD Academy Award)


Michael R Carmont

Achilles tendon rupture: the evaluation and outcome of percutaneous and minimally invasive repair (BJSM PhD Academy Award)


Alessio Bricca (watch video HERE)

Exercise does not ‘wear down my knee’: systematic reviews and meta-analyses (BJSM PhD Academy Award)


Gijs Helmerhorst

Pain relief after musculoskeletal trauma (BJSM PhD Academy Award)


Rhiannon M J Snipe (watch video HERE)

Exertional heat stress-induced gastrointestinal perturbations: prevention and management strategies (BJSM PhD Academy Award)


Sheree Bekker  (watch video HERE)

How key intermediary organisations ‘bridge the gap’ between injury prevention research and practice: novel insights (BJSM PhD Academy Award)


Neil Heron (watch video HERE)

Cardiac rehabilitation for the transient ischaemic attack (TIA) and stroke population? Using the Medical Research Council (MRC) guidelines for developing complex health service interventions to develop home-based cardiac rehabilitation for TIA and ‘minor’ stroke patients (BJSM PhD Academy Award)


Dimitris Vlachopoulos

The impact of different loading sports and a jumping intervention on bone health in adolescent males: the PRO-BONE study (BJSM PhD Academy Award)

Poll closes this Monday 8th July at 23:59. 

Good luck to our nominees!



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