Special e-edition of BJSM: Pain management

Welcome to this extra e-journal edition of the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

BJSM readers, listeners and other social media followers have a keen interest in pain. It’s a big problem! So, here is an online only version of BJSM and external content just for you! This is all content that has been published before – now in one convenient spot. We mirror the format of our regular print journal with a few extras.

Going online offers some advantages. This e-journal highlights recent research in the pain management literature, outside of our own BMJ-BJSM stable, and will complement some of our own high-quality content to give readers a broad overview of the topic (note: some papers may have a paywall – log in via your organisation if you have the appropriate subscriptions to access full-text). This edition contains top research articles from JAMA, PLoS One and the BMJ within the pain management/scientific field.

Our popular podcast content is an exciting addition here that will enhance knowledge translation. Top quality pain researchers and practitioners including Professors Lorimer Moseley and Peter O’Sullivan discuss the science behind pain management and give practical tips for clinicians. This is supplemented by an infographic.

Readers are reminded, BJSM has its own online mobile application or ‘App’. This can be downloaded for Apple and Android. The App allows users to see all of the latest podcasts, blogs and other BJSM content in one easily accessible package. (It’s super for podcasts).

If you enjoy this new topical approach to present the latest evidence-based research and debate, then please do send us your thoughts via any of our social media channels. We are always looking for ways to get you, the reader, quality clincal content in the format that suits you!

Just use #BJSMOnlineEdition to involve others in the discussion.

We hope you get a chance to have a physically active day,

BJSM print and digital editors.


BJSM Online-Only Pain Edition

(Click on the links under the titles of interest to follow access the online content)


EDITORIAL –Is it time to reframe how we care for people with non-traumatic musculoskeletal pain? 

Jeremy Lewis, Peter O’Sullivan



PODCAST – Pain Science: “Don’t mislabel nociceptors as pain fibres” 

Lorimer Moseley



ORIGINAL RESEARCH – NON BMJ (PLOS)- Can group-based reassuring information alter low back pain behavior? A cluster-randomized controlled trial 

Pernille Frederiksen, Aage Indahl, Lars L. Andersen, et al



 EDITORIAL – Whole of community pain education for back pain. Why does first-line care get almost no attention and what exactly are we waiting for?

Lorimer Moseley



ORIGINAL RESEARCH – NON-BMJ (JAMA)- Interactive Voice Response–Based Self-management for Chronic Back Pain: The COPES Noninferiority Randomized Trial

Alicia A. Heapy, Diana M. Higgins, Joseph L. Goulet, et al



REVIEW –Avoid routinely prescribing medicines for non-specific low back pain

Adrian C Traeger, Rachelle Buchbinder, Ian A Harris, et al



CONSENSUS STATEMENT – International Olympic Committee consensus statement on pain management in elite athletes –

Brian Hainline, Wayne Derman, Alan Vernec, Richard Budgett, Masataka Deie, Jiří Dvořák, Chris Harle, Stanley A Herring, Mike McNamee, Willem Meeuwisse, G Lorimer Moseley, Bade Omololu, John Orchard, Andrew Pipe, Babette M Pluim, Johan Ræder, Christian Siebert, Mike Stewart, Mark Stuart, Judith A Turner, Mark Ware, David Zideman, Lars Engebretsen


EDITORIAL – Pain and fatigue in sport: are they so different?

Kieran O’Sullivan, Peter B O’Sullivan, Tim J Gabbett



PODCAST- Professor Peter O’Sullivan (@PeteOSullivanPT) on Tiger Woods’ back and ‘core strength’



INFOGRAPHICManaging non-traumatic back pain in sport.

Ben Darlow & Peter P B O’Sullivan



REVIEW – Pain in elite athletes—neurophysiological, biomechanical and psychosocial considerations: a narrative review

Brian Hainline, Judith A Turner, J P Caneiro, et al


EDITORIAL – Central sensitisation in different tendinopathies: are we comparing apples and oranges?

Seán McAuliffe, Rodney Whiteley, Peter Malliaras, Kieran O’Sullivan



SYSTEMATIC REVIEWPoor overall quality of clinical practice guidelines for musculoskeletal pain: a systematic review

Ivan Lin, Louise K Wiles, Robert Waller, et al



ORIGINAL RESEARCH – BMJ – Effect of tai chi versus aerobic exercise for fibromyalgia: comparative effectiveness randomized controlled trial

Chenchen Wang, Christopher H Schmid, Roger A Fielding, et al



PODCAST – Professor Lorimer Moseley on the brain and mind in chronic pain



REVIEW – Musculoskeletal pain and exercise—challenging existing paradigms and introducing new

Benjamin Smith, Paul Hendrick, Marcus Bateman, et al



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