Arsenal FC SEMS Conference, 20th March 2018, Emirates Stadium, London, UK

Duty of Care and Athlete Welfare in Elite Sport: how advances in monitoring, loading and performance can help our athletes

Register on-line at

Senior SEMS, sports law, NGB professional or student – a day not to be missed!!

Comments from 2017 conference attendees: “An excellent meeting, with many news ideas and methods to implement.”; “A very enjoyable meeting and lots of information gained looking forward to the next meeting.”; “The usual high quality, well organised, interesting meeting – thank you!”

Building on the great success of previous Arsenal FC SEMS conferences, Dr Gary O’Driscoll, Arsenal FC Medical Director, and Mr Colin Lewin, Head of Medical Services, will run the 2018 high level, interdisciplinary conference at Emirates Stadium, London, UK. Speakers include Professor Richard McLaren and Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson – and all presenting have international reputations.

Open to all medical and scientific healthcare professionals and legal professionals working across all sports, presentations are aimed at SEM Faculty Fellows, senior doctors, physiotherapists, sports lawyers, NGB management and professional healthcare staff. The day will focus on various aspects of Duty of Care in Sport and Athlete Welfare.

The current schedule is below and on-line registration is available at; to access the conference app please search “Arsenal FC SEMS Conference”.

Current conference schedule:

0730 Registration, Coffee and Commercial Exhibition

0800 First Morning Tour of Emirates Stadium

0815 Second Morning Tour of Emirates Stadium

0845 Dr Gary O’Driscoll Conference Welcome and Opening, Plans and Objectives for the day

0900 Professor Richard McLaren The Doping Threat to Sporting Integrity and Player Welfare

0945 Professor Erik Witvrouw How Screening in Sport provides a structure for Duty of Care to players

1020 Refreshments and Commercial Exhibition

1050 Professor Adrian Williams Physical and Mental Wellbeing Through Sleep

1125 Dr Darren Burgess Performance and Health Management of the Elite Sporting Team

1200 All Morning Speakers Question and Answer Session

1230 Lunch and Commercial Exhibition

1300 Afternoon Tour of Emirates Stadium

1330 Mr Colin Lewin Afternoon Session Opening

1340 Dr Alan McCall Research to Optimise the Decision Making Surrounding Player Care

1415 Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson Duty of Care in Sport. How can we ensure Welfare comes first?

1500 Refreshments and Commercial Exhibition

1530 Professor Asker Jeukendrup Nutrition: From Science to Practice in Elite Athletes

1605 Dr Steffan Griffin Social Media in Sport & Exercise Medicine – Scourge or Saviour?

1640 All Afternoon Speakers Question and Answer Session

1710 Mr Colin Lewin Conference Close and Summary

6 hours of FSEM UK CPD accreditation awarded

Conference Fees: Standard: £175 inc VAT; Student: £105 inc VAT; BASEM Full Member: £155 inc VAT.

This fee includes attendance at all sessions, FSEM accreditation, attendance certificate, refreshments, hot lunch, a guided tour of Emirates Stadium (subject to availability), a post event flash drive (with Speaker PowerPoint presentations sessions uploaded) and a link to video taken of all presentations and discussion.

Register on-line at

All at Arsenal FC Medical Department look forward to seeing you at Emirates Stadium on 20th March.

Any further details you require or queries, please get in touch.

Every best wish, Barry

Barry Hill E:

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