Hamstring virtual conference 2.1 Encore edition from 2015…

Because the first few podcast clusters went down a treat – this time we’re back with even more BJSM resources focusing on the hammy, featuring the same podcasts alongside papers from the likes of Reurink, Orchard and Whiteley. So without further ado – here is your one-stop shop for everything hamstring-related, enjoy!

  1. Hamstring Injuries with Carl Askling: http://bit.ly/1bcDzBi

Sweden’s Carl Askling explains new ways to categorise hamstring injuries – all ‘hammy’s are not the same! Listen to tips on how they can be diagnosed, treated, and monitored during the rehabilitation phase. He shares nuggets on how to assess athletes post-hamstring injury for return to sport, an often difficult and confusing process. Club doctors have been sacked for getting this wrong!

Biceps femoris and semitendinosus—teammates or competitors? This study assessed how the different hamstring muscle bellies work together in synergistic coordination patterns and whether changes in neuromuscular coordination patterns are associated with hamstring injuries.

  1. Hamstring Injuries – the American perspective: http://bit.ly/1bcE7ah

A golden overview for the rush-hour traffic with former Olympian and now Professor of Sports Medicine, Tom Best, co-medical director of Ohio State University Sports Medicine. Pearls of wisdom from the injury process to the role of massage and NSAIDs in the rehabilitation process.

  • *New* Platelet-rich plasma does not enhance return to play in hamstring injuries: a randomised controlled trial: http://bit.ly/1MXwRPN

We couldn’t talk about muscle injuries without mentioning the ‘magic bullet.’ Turns out in regard to hamstring injuries, PRP is only indicated if wanting to make a quick buck, with intensive physiotherapy still the gold-standard. #BeautyInTheBasics

  1. Hamstring Injuries in football with Jan Ekstrand: http://bit.ly/1uzu9q7

This goes nicely with the May’s FIFA-edition of BJSM, providing a fantastic overview of SEM in football, from the role of football in global health to injury prevention strategies at the World Cup! One of the most respected researchers in the field, UEFA Champions League Study lead Professor Jan Ekstrand, discusses football-specific issues in hamstring injuries in football players. Are they the same clinical entity or do they need special treatment?

  • *New* MRI does not add value over and above patient history and clinical examination in predicting time to return to sport after acute hamstring injuries: a prospective cohort of 180 male athletes: http://bit.ly/1XoziOq

Does MRI aid in the prediction of return-to-sport, or should we be more reliant (and trusting) in clinical judgement? Wangensteen and colleagues would argue the latter!

  1. Diagnosing and treating acute hamstring injuries: http://bit.ly/1zsDDDS

Introducing the most popular BJSM podcast EVER! Robert-Jan de Vos speaks to Gustaaf Reurink, author of the already famous 2014 NEJM paper on the role of PRP in acute hamstring injuries. In addition to summarising the results of this game-changing study, the Dutch sports physician discusses the value of clinical tests and MRI in acute hamstring injuries, and whether they can predict return-to-play and re-injury. Great clinical relevance.

In this brilliant editorial, the authors (you may have heard about them…) ask if it is the right moment to say ‘bye–bye MRI’ to the device as a prognostic tool for predicting RTP after hamstring injuries in the individual athlete. A fantastic overview of the evidence.

  1. Eccentric hamstring exercise – they work in practice but not in theory? http://bit.ly/1H4ubNL

Internationally experienced physiotherapist Nicol van Dyk @NicolvanDyk leads the discussion around Nordic hamstring exercises. What’s the role of eccentric strength in hamstring strain injuries as well as in their prevention and rehabilitation. Stellar guest is Dr David Opar, a rapidly emerging voice in this field. They discuss the injury mechanics as well as the revolutionary ‘Nordbord’ Nordic hamstring device, that looks into the potential of this device in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of hamstring injuries.

Want to learn more?!

Although you might be tempted to keep these resources to yourself, especially if people are wondering where all of this new-found wisdom has come from…remember #SharingIsCaring so please share with your colleagues or interact with us via twitter ( @BJSM_BMJ), Facebook or our Google + SEM Community!  And BJSM has a great mobile app – free on both platforms. Ideal way to follow BJSM podcasts plus way more – blog, YouTube videos ++.

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