Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine Annual Scientific Conference, September 2017 “Exercise Medicine and Physical Activity for Health”


This years Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine Annual Scientific Conference promises yet again to be a highlight of the international sports medicine calendar. The conference will focus on “Exercise Medicine and Physical Activity for Health” and takes place on the 15th and 16th of September in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), Dublin.

Delegates are welcomed from all healthcare backgrounds to this multidisciplinary conference where the Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine teams up with colleagues from the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists (ISCP) and Athletic Rehabilitation Therapy Ireland (ARTI).

The conference which takes place over 2 days will include national and international keynote speakers:

  • Prof Donal O’Shea, Consultant Endocinologist and leading clinican and researcher on obesity will discuss the role of exercise in contemporary medicine and population health.
  • Prof Ulf Ekelund, Professor in Physical Activity Epidemiology from the Norwegian School of Sports Science will discuss if sitting is the new smoking.
  • Prof Paul Thompson, Chief of Cardiology and The Athletes’ Heart Program at Hartford Hospital, professor of medicine at the University of Connecticut (USA) and past president of the American College of Sports Medicine, will debate how we prevent sudden cardiac death in athletes and also if there are deleterious effects of too much exercise.

Experts in the field will lead thematic sessions over the two days. On day 1 themes include exercise in chronic, cardiac and respiratory disease as well as mental health. On day 2, topics include the role of exercise in prehabilitation and rehabilitation as well as innovations in exercise science.

Delegates will also be able to attend a number of dedicated delegate scentific sessions under the following themes:

  • Exercise Medicine
  • Exercise and Population Health
  • Exercise in Rehabilitation and Treatment
  • Sports and Exercise Science

Register online for the conference with discounted rates for full-time post graduate students. The conference is approved by FSEM for 12 external CPD credits.

Log on for further information and registration details: www.fsem2017.com

We look forward to seeing you there!

Dr Nick Mahony (FSEM Vice-Dean), Prof Niall Moyna (FSEM Board Member) and Dr Ronan Kearney (FSEM Associate Member)

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