Exercise medicine resources launched for health and social care students

*Media Release*

Working with the Council of Deans of Health, Exercise Works! has launched the latest update of its physical activity and health resources designed specifically to support teaching in undergraduate health programmes. The “Movement for Movement” resources equip health and social care students to promote physical activity in the prevention and treatment of disease.

The resources on exercise medicine and health for undergraduate education were endorsed by the Council of Deans of Health when they were first launched in 2015. The revised version contains the latest evidence for future health professionals to use in discussing lifestyle medicine with their patients and deliver safe and effective exercise advice.

Ann Gates, Director of Exercise Works! said:

“I’m delighted to be able to launch these updated resources that address one of the most pressing public health challenges of our time. I look forward to seeing how universities use them to strengthen teaching about exercise in their programmes.”

Read more about Movement for Movement in this:

BJSM blog: A Movement for Movement: what’s art got to do with it? A lot. and;

BJSM Editorial: Movement for movement: exercise as everybody’s business?


For more information: Contact Ann Gates @exerciseworkshttp://www.exercise-works.org/


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