The Undergraduate Perspective blog series revitalized – an invitation to all

Undergraduate perspective on Sport & Exercise Medicine – a BJSM blog series

By Jonathan Shurlock and Manroy Sahni

Are you an undergraduate interested in a career in Sports and Exercise Medicine? Or a sportsperson keen on injury surveillance, prevention, and rehabilitation? Do you have a role in healthcare and are passionate about physical activity for your patients, clients, and community of practice?

Then we may have the perfect opportunity for you. Share your experiences and interests, while you build your skills and networks.

sprinter-on-the-blocks-sunHere at the BJSM we have been working hard to revamp our blog series: ‘The Undergraduate Perspective on Sport and Exercise Medicine.’

We are looking for undergraduates motivated to curate a blog on the SEM topic of your choice!

Traditionally our blogs have been 500-750 word research or story based submissions, with at least 2 references. We invite you to submit your ideas and/or drafts to either of the emails below. BUT we are also looking for innovative formats! Why not send in a video blog, or a virtual interview, or anything else you can think of! Surprise us!

Drop us an email if you want to discuss an idea for a blog or want a bit of advice with the process.

Please send draft submissions to the blog coordinators at and

Still have questions? Let us summarize.

What do we want from you?

  • Enthusiasm for the world of SEM
  • Honesty: we want to hear about all of your SEM experiences, good or bad
  • Motivation to obtain new experiences and skills
  • Passion and commitment to write clearly and share innovative ideas with our audiences

What do we want from the content?

  • Engaging: exploring current hot topics in SEM
  • Accurate: grounded in a reliable evidence base (at least one BJSM reference)
  • Relatable: we want YOUR perspective on SEM as an undergraduate

What’s in it for you?

  • Development of your knowledge, skills and experience relevant to SEM
  • Online publishing of your writing, free to share
  • Exposure of your work to our global SEM network (our blog has 200, 000 views per year)
  • Networking opportunities with the professional SEM community
  • Mentorship, support and feedback on your writing

Previous writing experience is not required; we will support you through the processes of formulation, draft revision, formatting, and submission. If this opportunity is of interest to you, we welcome you to the team.

For some final inspiration, here are some examples of previous blogs:

Exercise Addiction – too much of a good thing? By Daniel Taylor-Sweet (@dtaylorsweet)

Aspiring to get ahead? Sports Physio tips from the UK to Qatar. By Johnathon King (@Jonny_King_PT) & Liam West (@Liam_West)

Doctor’s role in physical activity adherence: how can we keep patients on the road to better health? By Steffan Griffin (@lifestylemedic)


  1. Taylor-Sweet. Exercise Addiction – too much of a good thing? BJSM Undergraduate Perspective on Sport & Exercise Medicine blog series. Online. [Available from:]
  1. King, West. Aspiring to get ahead? Sports Physio tips from the UK to Qatar. Undergraduate Perspective on Sport & Exercise Medicine blog series. Online. [Available from:]
  1. Doctors role in physical activity adherence: how can we keep patients on the road to better health? Undergraduate Perspective on Sport & Exercise Medicine blog series. Online. [Available from: ]

Get to know our new undergrad series coordinators:

Manroy Sahni (@manroysahni) is a final year medical student at the University of Birmingham and a newly appointed Lead Coordinator for the BJSM Undergraduate Perspective blog series. He is currently Co-President of Birmingham University Sports and Exercise Medicine Society (BUSEMS). As a key part of his role, Manroy organises seminars and practical sessions to raise awareness of the specialty and facilitate networking. He also serves as the Education Officer for the national Undergraduate Sports and Exercise Medicine Society (USEMS) committee. Manroy’s avid interest for research is demonstrated by his successful completion of an intercalated degree, clinical research elective in New Zealand and Tom Donaldson award for best poster presentation at the 2016 BASEM / FSEM conference. As a Move Eat Treat ambassador he promotes a healthy and active lifestyle and pushes for increased incorporation of lifestyle issues into medical education. Outside of medicine he enjoys football, tennis and running.

Email:     Twitter:@manroysahni

Jonathan Shurlock (@J_Shurlock) is an academic foundation year 1 doctor based in Sheffield and a newly appointed Lead Coordinator for the BJSM Undergraduate Perspective blog series. He is an advocate for clean sport, and works as a Research Assistant the FIMS Reference Collaborating Centre of Sports Medicine for Anti-Doping Research. He was awarded the BASEM Undergraduate Research Prize on the basis of this World Anti-doping Agency funded work. Jonathan is member of the USEMS committee, and Football Association Medical Society (SE) Social Media Officer. In his last year as medical student, he successfully introduced and delivered physical activity teaching into the Brighton and Sussex medical school undergraduate curriculum. Jonathan spends his spare time running in circles (around a track) and climbing any nearby boulders.

Email:    Twitter:@J_Shurlock


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