Injury Prevention Virtual Conference: Summary of papers and podcasts that address key issues and debates

A monthly round-up of podcasts and articles

By Zach Spargo (@ZachSpargo) & Steffan Griffin (@lifestylemedic)

Welcome back to another BJSM Virtual Conference. This month’s edition hones in on the holy grail of SEM – injury prevention. As usual, our aim is to provide you with the most recent and very best of BJSM content all in one easy to access location. There has been some huge papers/podcasts in this area recently so here, we’ll help you find what matters.

The training-injury prevention paradox

virtual podcast injury prevention

PODCAST: Heavy Training vs injury risk – Tim Gabbett

We start with a brilliant podcast with load management expert Tim Gabbett. Tim talks about how physiotherapists and S&C coaches can work together to create a more resilient athlete. A main focus of Tim’s is regarding the relationship between quantity of load and injury risk. He proposes that load needs to be increased slowly so that the ratio between acute load (last week of training) and chronic load (last 4-6 weeks of training) remains similar.

PAPERS: Has the athlete trained enough to return to play?

Train smarter and harder

Following on from above, these two papers need no introduction. Two game changers here from Tim Gabbett and Peter Blanch. They will change how you manage a player’s load!

Sport Specific

PODCAST: Keeping runners running

Wondering what a running assessment might consist of? Need ideas for how you might prevent running injuries? Andy Cornelius a previous sport rehabilitator and head running coach at Premiership Football clubs, gives offers suggestions in this area, and identifies what makes a great runner like Mo Farah.

PODCAST: Preventing catastrophic injury at the rugby world cup

Now we head to the world of rugby – with Dr James Brown and Dr Sharief Hendricks from the University of Cape Town. We hear of recent advances in rugby such as doctors being given real time video access to assess potential injuries. This podcast also illustrates how players should be exposed to tackling without pads in training in order to reduce injuries related to contact in matches.

Muscle Injuries

PAPER: Hamstrings – Prevention better than a cure?

Peter Brukner gives his expert analysis of all things new in hamstring literature. In short the paper highlights a hamstring lengthening exercise programme with definite inclusion of Nordics!

Hamstring injury prevention – a 10-minute update

This podcast addresses questions related to (i) the inclusion of lengthening exercises, trunk stabilisation, Nordic curls or PRP injections, and (ii) a comprehensive, evidence-based update on hamstring injury prevention.

So there you have it! We hope you find these resources valuable. It’s a massive topic and of course prevention has many associated factors such as sleep quality and previous injury. These resources will hopefully be a great starting point! We really love to hear your thoughts/questions at BJSM and you can do this on Google+ SEM community, Facebook and Twitter. We are always open to suggestions. See you next time!

Zachary Spargo MSc Physiotherapy student at York St John University, BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science (@ZachSpargo). BJSM team member, Yorkshire and Humber CSP Communications Lead. ACPSEM student member.

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