The inaugural World Rugby Science Network Conference: 15-16th September 2015 (Universities of Bath and Cape Town)

Calling all Rugby science and sports medicine afficionados and all members of the rugby family — coaches, players and family members.

The inaugural World Rugby Science Network (formerly IRB) Conference, September 15-16th, 2015, promises to deliver practical insights on the latest research applicable to all Rugby codes.

The conference will bring together leading athletes, professionals, and enthusiasts with the overarching goal to transfer scientific knowledge into professional practice.

Session topics include concussion, genetics, performance, and injury mechanisms and prevention.

Keynote speakers include:

  • Dr Graeme Close, Liverpool John Moores University
  • Professor Mike McGuigan, Auckland University of Technology
  • Professor Carolyn Emery, University of Calgary

A limited number of physical seats are still available at conference co-host universities: Bath (United Kingdom) and Cape Town (South Africa).

On Tuesday (Day 1- Bath) you can view the presentations via live stream using the site.

On Wednesday (Day 2- Cape Town) the online subscriptions are fully booked.

We encourage you to participate in the conference’s Twitter discussion with speakers and fellow attendees at #RSNLive2015.

The conference is the main event of the Rugby year – and then it’s followed by the 2015 Rugby World Cup, that kicks-off on 18th September.

For more information visit:

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