#MakeYourDayHarder campaign launch: who, what, when, where, and why?

By Dr. Mike Evans


What: on June 11 we are launching #MakeYourDayHarder campaign where people make their day harder (get off a stop early, park at the back of lot, take stairs, have a walking meeting, ride, walk to lunch, etc..) and then share +/- pic/video on social media (twitter, FB, instagram) with the #MakeYourDayHarder hashtag.

Why: see below (PA=Physical Activity). The black line is sedentary time.

sedentary time

Sitting disease has become an independent risk factor for poor health outcomes. People who are active but sit all day have worse outcomes. Read about the evidence HERE. Also, read the consensus statement and guidelines – recently published in the BJSM – geared at sedentary office workers.

What it’s not: this is not about workouts, sports etc.., its about working activity into your average day. Sidney Crosby is not our hero. The guy/gal who take the stairs while everybody else is escalating.

Who: An Olympian/Doctor (@JaneSThornton), a design agency (@pivoting), a patient engagement star (@emily_Nicholas8) and me (@docmikeevans) (and friends..like you). We don’t have any funding. We are just doing this to see if we can start to make a little social nudge towards more activity in our days. Kind of an experiment to see if we can start changing the culture of easy.

Website: Launching this week and will summarize science about both sitting disease and challenges (i have arthritis, i am too tired, too busy, etc..)

Want more info? This less than 4 minute video explains the plan:


Not enough? Here’s theWhiteboard explaining the science:

The launch: You can soft launch anytime (i.e. tweet #MakeYourDayHarder about something today) or join us virtually or in person at hard launch on june 11.  I am giving a speech that day at the YMCA on “The Better Life Experiment at 6 pm to launch. https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/make-your-day-harder-launch-event-tickets-17228240130

We need you to help us spread the word, and share your pics, videos, and tweets.


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