Low carbohydrate, high fat (#LCHF) nutrition: a neglected form of healthy eating, or a dangerous dietary fad?

By Johann Windt, Ania Tarazi & Liam West

Global experts in #LCHF nutrition are gathering in Cape Town, February 19th – 22nd, for the 2015 Old Mutual Health Convention. Hosted by Professor Tim Noakes, the summit looks at the effects of the #LCHF diet on key health issues including type 2 diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease, as well as the role in athletic performance.

The lineup of 15 world-renowned speakers, both clinicians and researchers, includes Dr Aseem Malhotra, Dr Stephen Phinney, Dr Eric Westman, and Gary Taubes.

All about you

What do you think? As a BJSM Blog reader, you are undoubtedly aware that low carbohydrate diets is a polarizing topic, with vocal proponents on both sides. Do you believe that low carbohydrate diets are the best way to go? Or do they encourage dangerous levels of fat intake, with associated heart disease risks? Is carbohydrate loading necessary for optimal athletic performance?

Call to Action!

Members of the BJSM Editorial team (#TeamBJSM) will cover the convention, with live tweets, blog posts, and a series of podcasts. We also want to hear from you. What are your questions to the LCHF speakers?

Tweet your questions to @BJSMPlus, or email them to liamwestsem@hotmail.co.uk. We will aim to have them answered during the four days at the convention and report back the responses via an in-depth blog analysis.

You can follow the conference via the twitter handle @BJSMPlus or the hastags #LCHF & #Don’tFearTheFat. Expect daily blogs and several podcasts with some of the keynote speakers for you to listen to after the event.

The 2015 Old Mutual Health Convention is being organized by Karen Thompson (@HELPdietSA), and you can visit the official website at www.lowcarbhighfatexperts.com.


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