“All About The Knee” ACPSEM Study Day – Manchester University

Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sport and Exercise Medicine blog series @PhysiosinSport

By Penny Porter

The ACPSEM’s one-day study event (October 4th, 2014) at Manchester University was well attended by over 100 people. Here are some highlights from the day’s event.

Photo credit: www.physiosinsport.org

Dr. Lee Herrington (Senior Lecturer in Sports Rehabilitation, University of Salford) started the day off with a fascinating talk on the relationship between running, landing and squatting performance to Patellorfemoral pain. He discussed potential treatment by modifying movement with verbal and visual feedback. Following this, Paul Comfort explained the development of force, rate of force development and the implications for prevention and rehabilitation of ACL Injuries.

Dr. Duncan French (Lead, EIS Strength and Conditioning) then took to the floor with a great lecture, looking at low load blood restricted resistance exercises, and its use as a training and rehabilitation tool. Delegates tested his theories, by participating in a practical workshop.

James Moore held a very popular (and practical) session looking at assessment and management strategies for high hamstring tendonopathy. He provided some key interventions from a management perspective; James delegates thinking about several new options for managing hamstring injuries through exercise therapy.

Lastly, Karen Hambly discussed articular cartilage, and the implications for rehab. She expertly explained why rehabilitation after articular cartilage repair is so important, and clearly outlined the general principles of articular cartilage rehabilitation.

All in all, it was great to catch up on the latest research and practice for knee problems and rehabilitation, and see physio colleagues from around the UK with common physio and sporting interests.

Looking forward to the next study day in Brighton on October 9 and 10, 2015. The topic is “The Young Athlete”. Keep your eyes peeled for #TeenBuilding!


Penny Porter is a Physiotherapist in Bristol

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