Groin Pain in Athletes: First (Ever!), World Conference #Groin2014

By Ania Tarazi

On November 1-3, Aspetar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital launched the inaugural World Conference on Groin Pain in Athletes at Aspire Zone in Doha, Qatar. International experts on groin pain convened during six sessions over three days to discuss developments in the field.

aspetarOn day 1 experts discussed groin pain epidemiology, risk factors and clinical examination and outcome measures. The day 2 presentations were on imaging and treatment of groin pain in athletes. The final day focused on the treatment of hip pain in athletes.

In this Groin Pain Storify, I compiled key themes and takeaways using the live feed from attendees and the audience that streamed the conference online from Aspetar’s website. For those not familiar, “Storify” allows you to capture all of the tweets, and other social media posts – including photos and graphs- in sequence.

We look forward to the conference consensus statement to be published in BJSM in 2015.


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